Early U.S. History

By Gabe P.
  • Feb 19, 1400

    Black Death

    Huge disese still going on today, killed over 100,000 of people.
  • Period: Feb 19, 1400 to

    Early U.S. History

  • Feb 19, 1450

    Slave Trade Begins

    Wars were started, soldiers were captured and they were sold to England to be slaves.
  • Feb 24, 1480

    Ottoman Emipre takes Power

    Ottoman Empire makes european contries pay to get to the indies
  • Feb 24, 1488

    Dias sails to the southern tip of Africa

    Attemt to find a different way to the indies
  • Feb 24, 1492

    Columbus discovers a new land

    Columbus tries to find a new way to get to the Indies, he discovers a new land.
  • Feb 26, 1498

    da Gama sails to India

    first successful trip across water by the Europeans, sailing for Portugal
  • Feb 26, 1501

    Amerigo Vespucci

    Italitan sailing for Portugal makes it around southern tip of new land these lands are named after him
  • Feb 26, 1513

    First European to see Florida

    Ponce de Leon is the first European to set foot on what we now call the USA
  • Oct 27, 1524

    Giovanni da Verrazano

    sponsored by France, lands in the area around the Carolinas, then sails north and discovers the Hudson River, and continues northward into Narragansett Bay and Nova Scotia
  • Feb 26, 1535

    French explorer Cartier claims St. Lawrence River

    France is trying for a westerly route to the Indies and discovers the Great Lakes area of North America
  • Feb 26, 1565

    First permanent settlement in United States

    Spain starts the first and now oldest permanent settlement at St. Augustine Florida
  • English attempt a colony at Roanoke

    England tries to set up a colony, Roanoke
  • English 2nd attempt a colony at Roanoke

    England 2nd try to set up a colony, Roanoke, but it fails
  • In Europe, the defeat of the Spanish Armada

    by the English results in Great Britain replacing Spain as the dominant world power and leads to a gradual decline of Spanish influence in the New World
  • Jamestown is first permanent English colony

    England is the last of the major powers in Europe to start a colony in the New World
  • Dutch explorer Hudson

    A Dutch explorer sailed along the Hudson river named after him
  • Plymouth Massachsetts coleny

    English pilgrims, the Puritans, land at Plymout
  • John Winthrop

    In March, John Winthrop leads a Puritan migration of 900 colonists to Massachusetts Bay, where he will serve as the first governor. In September, Boston is officially established and serves as the site of Winthrop's government
  • Maryland passes a law making lifelong servitude

    for black slaves mandatory to prevent them from taking advantage of legal precedents established in England which grant freedom under certain conditions, such as conversion to Christianity
  • William Pennstarts colony in Pennsilvenia

    English Quakers start a colony in Pennsilvenia for religious freedoms
  • The beginning of King William's War

    as hostilities in Europe between the French and English spill over to the colonies in February, Schenectady, New York is burned by the French with the aid of their Native American allies
  • Gorgia started as the last of the 13 colonys

    These southerns colonies were larger farms
  • French Indian war

    British and Natives started a war with French for land
  • British troops occupy Boston

    The colinists had to pay mor taxes so the British police was sent to Bosten
  • San Diego is founded

    In July, in the territory of California, San Diego is founded by Franciscan Friar Juniper Serra. In October, the boycott of English goods spreads to New Jersey, Rhode Island, and then North Carolina
  • Bosten Massecre

    A group of protesters throw a club at a troop and the troop started to fire. Five people were killed
  • Population goes up

    The population of the American colonies reaches 2,210,000 people
  • Bosten Tea Party

    Rebels throw a shipment of tea because of the taxes
  • Continental Congress meets in Philidalphia

    They wanted to reason with England and be given a voice in its goverment
  • Lexington and Concord

    900 red coats march to concord to take wepons from the colinists had bought and hid
  • Declaration of Indipendince

    The Continental Congress gathers for the second time and drafts The Declaration of Indipendence
  • Treaty of Paris

    After Cornwallis Surenders to Washington the war ends Britain signs treay that states US won
  • Constitution is written

    Members of Congress gather to write up the Constitution
  • Constitution is ratified

    All states agree to the wording of the Constitution
  • Congress passes

    Congress passes what are collectively known as the Alien and Sedition Acts. These acts, the Naturalization Act, the Alien Act, the Sedition Act, and the Alien Enemies Act
  • Jefferson leaves Philadelphia for Monticello

    arriving there on the 8th. Throughout the coming year he devotes himself to Monticello's development
  • Washington dies

    December 14. George Washington dies at Mount Vernon