Early Special Education Program

  • Early Special Education Program

    The first special education program was designed for children "at-risk"
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Brown argued that children of color were not treated equally in school. The supreme court agreed by saying segragration "has no place in the field of education."
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA)

    This focused on underprivileged children. This legislation provided that underprivled=ged children would still be able to receive a quality education.
  • PARC and Mills

    This focused on children with learning disabilities. They said that children with learning disabilities should not be allowed in schools.
  • Congressional Investigation

    Due to Parc and Mills, the congress investigated and found out millions of children with learning disabilities were not receiving an appropriate education.
  • Public Law 94-142

    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Congress wanted all children to “have a right to education, and to establish a process by which State and local educational agencies may be held accountable for providing educational services for all handicapped children.”

    The first discussion in a special education case of free public education.

    That if a child is withdrawn from a school due to inappropriate education under IDEA that they should be reimbursed and put into a private school that is appropriate under IDEA.
  • Peck v. Lansing

    The court also discussed whether a child can receive special education classes or related services at a parochial school? Discussing whether this violates the establishment clause.
  • westerndorp v. independent school district no. 273

    Provision of special education classes at a private religious school.
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004

    This focused on making sure special education teachers were qualified. The first purpose of this act was to provide education that meets a child's unique needs and that a child would be able to progress in education, life, and self-efficient in the future. The second purpose is to protect children with disabilities along with their parents.
  • Aligning IDEA and NCLB

    The combination of the No Child Left Behind Act and
    Ensures high-quality education while also ensures that every child will be taught the same materials. This helped every child feel inclusive and that every child has a quality education.
  • M.L. v. Fedaral way school district

    The court found that not having a regular education teacher in with the IEP students was a lack of educational opportunity and denial of FAPE.
  • NO. 05-983

    That a parent may represent their children's interests in a special education case. The parent no longer is required to hire a lawyer in court.
  • 06-637

    The case was about whether children who never received special education from public schools could be reimbursed for unilateral private placement. In 2009 this was ruled that parents do qualify for reimbursement under the 6-3.