Early North America Colonization

  • Period: to

    Colonization of Roanoke

    91 men, 17 women and 9 children, came to the new world under the leadership of Sir Walter Raleigh and created the first colony on Roanoke Island.
    Three years later the colony vanished, with no trace. Historians today are not sure what happened to the lost colony.
  • Voyage to Virginia

    The London Company (now known as the Virginia Company of London) sent 144 men to Virginia on three ships called, Godspeed, The Discovery and Susan Constant. They landed on Chesapeake Bay in the Spring of 1607.
  • Peace treaty between the colonists and Powhatan's

    In 1614, Powhatan the chief of a nearby Native Tribe accepted peace with the colonists.
  • The Growth Of Tobacco

    The colonists in Jamestown learned how to grow tobacco, causing their enconomy to boom.
  • First slaves coming to the New World

    The first African Slaves came to Jamestown to work on the tobacco plantations.
  • Plymouth

    In 1620 the first group of Puritans (seperists from the Church of England) to travel to the New World landed near Plymouth Rock. They where supposed to be going to Virginia, but got lost, and when they landed it was to close to winter from them to travel south.
  • Opechancanough led an attack against the Jamestown Colonists

    In 1622 Opechancanough, Pocahontas's brother led an attack against the colonists and killed 347 colonists.
  • Creation of Massachusetts

    Massachusetts Bay Company Sent Puritans to the New Wolrd to establish Massachusetts. With the help of the Natives teaching the Puritans to hunt, fish and farm, Massachusetts prospered.
  • The Great Migration

    Over 14,000 Puritans voyaged to MA, and they started to spread out around the sourounding land.
  • Creation of Maryland

    In 1632, the Queen granted the Second Lord Baltimore 12 million acres of land, on the top of Chesapeake Bay. The colony was called Maryland, after the Queen.
    Their ecomony was based on plantions, the growing of tobacco. They prospered because of indentured servents and later slaves.
  • Creation of Harvard College

    Harvard was created to train Puritan Ministers.
  • New Haven Combined with Conneticut

    Conneticut and New Haven where created by Puritans, that did not believe MA, was strict enough, and they wanted to follow more in religious footsteps.
  • Carolina's split

    In 1729 Carolina split into North Carolina and South Carolina.
  • Establisment of Georgia

    Georgia was established in 1732. Their economy like the Carolina's was based on plantations and they relied on slavery and indentured servents.