Early Explorers of North America and Canada

  • Jan 1, 1001

    Leif Eriksson Lands in Canada

    Leif Eriksson Lands in Canada
    The Norse explorer lands in Nova Scotia, being the first European explorer to land in North America. Not much later, he returns to Greenland.
    Picture courtesy of history.com
  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus' First Vovage

    Columbus' First Vovage
    Christopher Columbus went on his first voyage to San Salvador, which is now the Bahamas.
    Picture courtesy of Wikipedia
  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot Claims Canada for England

    John Cabot Claims Canada for England
    John Cabot sailed to North America, looking for the passage to Asia. This was the first of Britain's claims to Canada.
    Picture courtesy of people.bu.edu
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Jacques Cartier Comes to Canada

    Jacques Cartier Comes to Canada
    Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence River looking for the passage to Asia. During his time in Canada, he named the country "Canada" from the first Nations word "Kanata", which meant village in the Huron-Iroquois language.
    Picture courtesy of enchantedlearning.com
  • Juan De Fuca Becomes the first European to Dicover The Western part of North America

    Juan De Fuca Becomes the first European to Dicover The Western part of North America
    Juan De Fuca searched for a passage to the Atlantic Ocean from the Pacific Ocean, This is similar to the other Europeans trying to find the passage from the Eastern part of North America, through the continent and into the Pacific ocean. De Fuca was doing the same, but from the West to the East.
    Picture courtesy of enchantedlearning.com
    Picture courtesy of enchantedlearning.com
  • Champlain Maps the Eastern part of the New World

    Champlain Maps the Eastern part of the New World
    Samuel De Champlain comes to Canada on Francois Grave Du Port's expedition. He soon sailed back to France, but then returned to Canada. He returned looking for a passage to Asia, mapping the country as he searches.
    picture courtesy of blupete.com
  • Henry Hudson's Voyage to Canada

    Henry Hudson's Voyage to Canada
    Henry Hudson was hired to find a Northwest passage to Asia, but on his journey, he thought that there was no passage, so he stopped and noted the abundant rich land. He then started trading the riches of Canada.
    Picture courtesy of wikipedia.org
  • James Cook searches for the Northwest Passage, and becomes first European to be on Vancouver Island

    James Cook searches for the Northwest Passage, and becomes first European to be on Vancouver Island
    James Cook went on many journeys, including one that sent him to look for the Norhwest passage to Asia. He was unsuccessful and went to Hawaii. He then sailed to Canada and became the first European to be on Vancouver Island.
    Picture courtesy of top10source.com
  • John Franklin Discovers the Passage to Asia

    John Franklin Discovers the Passage to Asia
    John Franklin went on a journey to discover the Northwest passage, but when he reached the last part of the journey, he and his crew died of starvation, lead poisoning, and the effects of the cold, Canadian winter.
    Picture courtwsy of anbg.gov.au
  • Bjarni Herjulfsson Visualizes Canada

    Bjarni Herjulfsson Visualizes Canada
    Herjulfsson gets blown off course in a storm during his trip to Greenland, mak.ing him sail in a different direction. He noticed another land that wasn't Greenland. He never went ashore to this new land he discovered.
    Picture courtesy of xtimeline.com