Early English Timeline

By roodj1
  • Roanoke Island Founded

    Roanoke Island Founded
    Ronoak Island was founded in 1585. it is a very beautiful island.
  • Spanish Armada Defeated

    Spanish Armada Defeated
    Off the coast of Gravelines, France, Spain's so-called "Invincible Armada" is defeated by an English naval force under the command of Lord Charles Howard and Sir Francis Drake. After eight hours of furious fighting, a change in wind direction prompted the Spanish to break off from the battle and retreat toward the North Sea.
  • Jamestown

    In june of 1606, King James I granted a charter to a group of London entrepreneurs, the Virginia Company, to establish an English settlement in the Chesaepeak region of North America. In December of that year, 104 settlers sailed from London with Company instructions to build a secure settlement, find gold, and seek a water route to the Pacific.
  • Colonists can own land

    Colonists can own land
    They allowed colonists to own land as an attempt to get more people to come settle in the colony. They gave land to people who came and settled.
  • Dutch Bring Africans

    Dutch Bring Africans
    Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia. They were brought to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco.
  • House of Burgesses Meet

    House of Burgesses Meet
    After his arrival in Jamestown in 1619, Governor George Yeardley immediately gave notice that the Virginia colony would establish a legislative assembly. This assembly was better known as the House of Burgesses.
  • Virginia Company Sends Women

    Virginia Company Sends Women
    The Virginia Company began sending women over to the new colony. All women had their way paid over but they had to marry a guy when they got there.
  • King James Declare Royal Colony

    King James Declare Royal Colony
    King James canceled his charter and took over the colony. He later declared it as his first Royal Colony
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The boston tea party took place in 1773. They got on the boat and threw all of the tea off into the harbor.
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was signed on this day. the 4th of july is a sign of our freedom and independence.