Early colonies

  • Jan 1, 1565

    St. Augustine

    St. Augustine was founded by a
    Spanish explorer named Pedro Menéndez de Avilés in Northeastern Florida.
  • Roanoke(Lost Colony)

    Roanoke is know as the lost colony in North Carolina because no one knows where the people went.
  • Jamestown

    They found Jamestown in Virginia, on the Susan Constant,Godspeed and the Discovery. The ships carried 104 colonists and 34 saliers.
  • Plymouth

    The settlers came to Massachusetts in the Mayflower they were called pilgrims because they searched for freedom.
  • New Netherland

    In 1664, the English men sent a lots of warships to capture New Netherland in West India for the Duke of York. Many of the people would not to fight, and the Governor had to give up and the English wun. New Netherland became the English colony of New York.
  • Williamsburg(William Penn)

    They picked Williamsburg in Virginia because it had better soil for crops, and less mosquitoes.
  • New Sweden

    Sweden was the only colony on the Delaware River in America.
  • Pennsylvania Colony

    William Penn was given total control over the town in between New York and Maryland. They also named it Pennsylvania because it meant penn’s woods.