Early Civil Rights movement

  • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    Shorten for NAACP. this is one of the oldest civil rights organization. It was formed to have both white Americans and African Americans. In the beggining they focused on challenging the laws that prevented African Americans from exercising their full rights as citizens. It then worked to secure full legal equality for all Americans and to remove barriers that keep them from voting. Succed in getting two anti-lyninching bills passed. Challenge segregation laws. Appealed mainly to education.
  • African American Migration

    After Civil War many African Americans migrated to large northern cities
  • National Urban League

    took on economic issues. It assists people moving to major American cities. It helped African Americans moving out of the south find home and jobs. Looked for Migrant families on ship docks at rain stations and found safe, clean apartments for them. They insituted factory owner and union leaders allow Africna Americna eorkers the opportunity to learn the skills to ge better jobs.
  • The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

    struggled to achieve equality for Hispanics. Mexican Americans were school segregated also. 1947 a Federal District Court judge ruled that segrregatining Mexican Aerican students was unconstitutional.
  • The New Deal

    During the Depression, Rossevelt and the Democrats were able to gain African American support for the New Deal
  • World War Two

    During the war, there was an increase in demands for labor in northern cities which led to the rise in black population up north. The increase in numbers gave African Americans voting power in some of the cities up north. 1939- 1945
  • Congress of Radical Equality

    (CORE) dedicated to bringing change through peaceful confrontation. it demonstrated against segregation in cities.
  • Rise of the NAACP

    this stood for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They fought hard in court to challenge segregation laws throughout the country. Oliver Hill won many civil right suits that focused on issues of discrimination in education and wages. 1869-1951
  • Native Americans

    Federal Government manageed the reservations where most Native AMericans lived in terrible poverty. 1953, goverment adopted a new aprroch called the termination. which sought to eliminate reservations altogether. Civil rights advances of the 1950's were mere tokens of the real gainns that were needed.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    Court declared that the "separate but equal" doctrine was unconstitutional and could not be applied to public education. Local school boards should move to desegregate.
    -African Americans were happy
    -White Americans: even if they did not agree, they had to accept the decision and hoped that desegregating schools goes peacefully
    -Eisenhower not happy
    -Souther whites reacted with fear and angry resistance
  • Rosa Parks

    She sat on the bus in the no color section and when a white person and the bus driver demanded her to move so he can sit she refused to get up. At the next stop, Parks was arrested for not moving.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    A plan called for African Americans to refuse to use the entire bus system unto the bus company agreed to change its segregation policy.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Arkansaw Governor declared that he could not keep order if he to bring together differences of different races. Made Little Rock highschool turn away the nine african american students who were suppose to attend that year. Big angry mobs protested to prevent the entry of the black students. Eisenhower acted by placing the National Guard under federal command, then sent soldiers to arkansaw to protect the nine students.
  • Nonviolence

    They asked anyone onvolved in the fight for civil rights not to retaliate with violence out of fear or hate. It is a peacful way of protesting against restrictive radical policies
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    advocated the pracrice of nonviolent protest. Shifted the focus of the civil rights movement to the South.
  • Dr. Luther King

    was a leader and peaceful protester. Encouraged other African Americans to fight for desegregation and the rights of voting. He won the Nobel Peace prize in 1964
  • Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

    It was made for students active in the struggle. Nearly 200 students showed up for the first meeting. The student leaders met with Baker and other SCLC and CORE leaders and voted to maintain their independence from other civil rights groups. They became a permanent and separate organization They opposed to the gradual change advocated by most of the older organizations.