Early Childhood

  • Jan 1, 1400

    1400's-1600's Martin Luther and John Cornelious

    Beginings of documented advocating for education and literacy for children
  • Johann Pestalozzi 1700's

    Introduced the concept of sensory learning, homeschooling and had a more natural approuch to childrens learning
  • Fredrich Froebel 1700's-1800's

    Froebel crreated Kindergarden which still hugely impacts early childhood education today. He belived that a teachers role was similar to a gardeners, hense the name and also reinforced the importance of learning through play.
  • Maria Montissori 1870's-1960's

    Reiterated the need for sensory learning, beleived in teaching respect for children is a key to their learning, focused ona specific method of child training and teaching which is very popular today
  • John Dewey 1850's/1950's

    John Dewey created a school of thought that centered education around the childs intrerests. This is integrated into early childhood education today and seeks to educate through interest
  • Jean Piaget 1890's- 1980's

    Jean Piaget focused on science and the metal/physical part of early childhood learning. He created a school of thought that was very centered on the childs state of development.
  • Abraham Maslow and Erik Erikson 1900's

    Maslow and Erikson, both very influential psychologists of their times. They had differing opinions of many things however they both developed theories and stages for childrens development that had large empheses on emotional wellbehing or behavior.
  • Robert Owens 1770's-1850's

    Owens taught the importance of infant learning and education impacting society including poor environments