Early American Writing (1600-1800)

  • Period: Dec 7, 1492 to

    Exploration and the Early Settlers

    Christopher Columbus started his voyage in 1492.
    Alvar Nunez Cabeza da Vaca one of four survivors in the 600 men expodition.
    Samuel de Champlain was the "Father of New France." He wrote vivid accounts of New England and the Iroquois.
    Thomas Harriot wrote " A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia.
    Captin John Smith wrote accounts about the history of Virginia and New England.
  • Jamestown

    First permanent colony. 1773 English colonies stretched along the Atlantic coast. Thought of themselves as English subjects. British supported England economically. Exported raw materials and imported Britian's manufactured goods.
  • Puritan Poetry

    First book issued in North America was "Bay Psalm Book". Had the Bible's psalms rewritten to fit the rhythms for the Puritans.
  • Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor

    Anne and Edward viewed poetry as exploring the relationship between the individual and God.
    Anne wrote a book " The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America. (First book published by an North American woman)
    Edward was considered the best known poet. He wrote all his poems as aids for his meditations.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    France allied with Native Americans. Drove the British out of North America. England brought in new military leaders. After the war Great Britain claimed all of North America east of the Mississippi River.
  • Period: to

    Writers of the Revolution

    During this time 200 pamphlets were published. They became the fuel to the Revolution.
  • The Enlightenment

    Enlightenment thinkers begun to question accepted truths about who should hold the power.
    American Enlightment was shaped by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, and Thomas Jefferson.
    Patrick Henry at the Virgina Convention " but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!"
  • Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence govern America. Natural law that people were born with rights and freedom.
  • A Break with England

    "No taxation without representation" The colonist boycotted the British because they were trying to tax the colonist. Colonies declared themselves " free and independent" in 1776
  • Constitution

    Contitution was approved in 1788. U.S. was born.
  • Great Awakening

    Jonathan Edwards was a preacher during this time.
    He called for people to rededicate themselves to the original Puritan values.