Early American Writing

  • Sep 6, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Columbus started his first of his four voyages to the Americas.
  • A Brief and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia.

    A writing, written by Thomas Harriot, that was one of the most influential writings capturing the area's natural resources, the ways of life of the Native Americans, and the potential for building a successful colony.
  • Jamestown

    The first permanent colony.
  • Mayflower

    The Mayflower pilgrims establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony at Plymouth.
  • Bay Psalms Book

    This was the first book published in America.
  • Puritan Poetry

    Poetry was one of the main writings of the Puritans. The first book issued in the North American colonies was the "Bay Psalm Book". This book was the Bible's psalms rewritten to fit the rhythms of familiar Puritan hymns.
  • A Victory for the Puritans

    The victory in King Philip's War ends Native American resistance in New England colonies.
  • Enlightenment Period

    Intelluctual energy took place in Europe.
  • The Great Awakening beings

    Also known as relgious revival. United colonists who were in other ways diverse. Opposed aspects of human experience.
  • Jonathan Edwards

    Preached "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." Explains the religious movement called the Great Awakening.
  • French and Indian War

    Britain protected their territory by sending their soldiers into this war. French allied with the Native Americans to drive out the British out of North America. All east of the Mississippi River was cliamed by the Great Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Pary marks a violent rejection of Britain's taxation policies.
  • Revoluntionary War

    This is the start to the Revolutionary War
  • "free and independent"

    Colonies declared themselves as "free and independent" anf fought and defeated one of the greatest military powers on earth to turn their declaration into a reality.
  • US Constitution

    The US Constitution is approved.