American war indepedence george washington crossing delaware

Early American Writing

  • John Smith

    John Smith
    John Smith publishes "The General History of Virginia"
  • Jamestown

    The first permanent colony was established at Jamestown.
  • Plymouth Plantation

    William Bradford describes his journey across the settlement in Of Plymouth Plantation
  • Bay psalm book

    Bay psalm book
    Bay Psalm Book is the first book to be printed in America.
  • Pennslyvania

    William Penn founds the colony of Pennsylvania.
  • Slavery

    Quakers voice opposition to slavery.
  • The Boston Newsletter

    The Boston Newsletter, The first american newsletter, is established.
  • Population

    The colonial population reaches about half million; Bostons populationis about 12,000.
  • The Dogood papers

    Benjamin Franklin uses humor to criticize the puritan establishment in his first published work, The Dogood Papers.
  • The Great Awakening

    The religous revival known as the Great Awakening (1739-1742) begins.
  • Abigal Adams

    Abigal Adams writes first entry in what is published as Familar Letters of John Adams and His Wife, Abigal.
  • Declaration of Independance

    Second Continental Congress adopts the Declaration of Independance
  • Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's widely read pamphlet Common Sense passionately argues the case for independance.
  • Phillis Wheatley

    George Washington invites Phillis Wheatley to visit after receiving from her a poem and letter.
  • U.S. Constitution

    The U.S. Constitution is approved.