Dyon hunter

  • I was born

    On this date 16 years ago I was brought into this world by the Hunter family. A summer baby they say summer babies will always be in the summer fever meaning they would never want to leave summer. And all things that pertain to summer. I was born on a Tuesday, I can't remember the exact time, but I am for certain that I was born sometime in the morning.
  • First soccer game

    This was my first soccer game of my whole life it was a very new sport. I can still remember it was called the green team and our coach was a very energetic playful man. We were a pretty good team that won almost every game and we had pretty good team work for young kids. I can still remember after every game he would let us chase him and tackle him to the ground in a dog pile win or lose. But the sad thing is that I haven't talked to or seen that coach since the last game.
  • First day of high school

    I can still remember the first year of high school 2 years ago I started the first day of my future the last fours years of public schools. I've heard that many people say it goes by too fast, but I didn't believe it until I actually experienced it. I am in the 11th grade and I have one more year until I am into the world by myself.
  • First varsity football game

    I remember my first football game we wore new red jerseys. We ran through the badger bouncy house, I have always dreamed about running through there. It was weird with my mom not asking if I wanted to go to the high school game, because I was the one playing not watching. I always wondered what it feels like to play in varsity games because it was always packed and no where to sit. It was the most exhilarating experience standing on the field.
  • Passed 10th grade

    This time date last year I officially passed the 10th grade. After a long year of new ideas and new learnings and worrying about all the tests I didn't study for. I really didn't think 10th grade was going to be that hard until it got second semester, some of the classes I took were a little challenging, but I made it.