DRUGS in that was then this is now

By devonb1
  • 1980 BCE

    M&M using Drugs

    M&M using Drugs
    M&M using drugs in that was then this is now. in chapter 3 he starts smoking marijuana.
  • 1970 BCE


    M&M using acid and having a bad trip off it
  • 1970 BCE

    chapter 8 Mark sells drugs

    Mark starts dealing drugs, and Bryon turns him in after a friend overdoses towards the end of the book.
  • 1970 BCE

    Mark and Bryon sruggles

    Mark and Bryon struggle to negotiate their social situation. Bryon's ex-girlfriend starts a fight, and members of rival gangs harass M&M, a friend of Mark and Bryon's.
  • Mark and Bryon hustling

    Bryon and Mark often hustle pool in Charlie's Bar. Their families are poor, and Bryon's mother is in the hospital. Their financial troubles often lead to violence