• The Birth of Donna Haraway

    Donna Haraway was born September 6, 1944, in Denver Colorado.
  • Donna Haraway Education

    Donna Haraway Education
    Haraway completed her bachelor's degree in zoology at Colorado College, with a minor in philosophy and she gained her PHD in Biology at the University of Yale.
  • Cyborg Manifesto

    Cyborg Manifesto
    Haraway's Cyborg Manifesto was published in 1985. The book embarked on the male and female identities in the 20th century, and how technology shaped a thin line separating the two.
  • Primate Visions

    Primate Visions
    Primate Visions: Gender, Race, and Nature in the World of Modern Science This book was created to question the formalities between women and men in science as well as to assist with feminist understanding and its contributions to science.
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    Donna Haraway Reading Material

    From the early 80s to 2016 Haraway has devoted her studies to blurring the lines between feminism, science, and technology to relate the common individual to be aware of cohabitation with living with technology, humans, and other alien species just in case we were to meet.
  • References

    “Donna Haraway.” The European Graduate School, 1994, egs.edu/biography/donna-haraway/.Weigel, Moira. “Feminist Cyborg Scholar Donna Haraway: ‘the Disorder of Our Era Isn’t Necessary.’” The Guardian, The Guardian, 20 June 2019, www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/20/donna-haraway-interview-cyborg-manifesto-post-truth.