DNA Timeline

  • Gregor Mendel

    Gregor Mendel
    Gregor Mendel researched hybrid plants. Through this he created the laws of heredity. These are still used today. "DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today." DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today. DNA
    Learning Center, 2003. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. https://www.google.com/search?q=gregor+mendel&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS683&tbm=isch&imgil=6pc3Qj4n_RUf5M%253A%253BH0yPpZiQoBGpaM%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fconradchrabol.wordpress.com%25252Fmendels-early-works%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=6pc3Qj4n
  • Friedrich Miescher

    Friedrich Miescher
    He was the first researcher to isolate and identify nucleic acid. Because of this advancement we are able to further advance our medical teams and knowledge. "DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today." DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today. DNA
    Learning Center, 2003. Web. 09 Mar. 2016. https://www.google.com/search?q=miescher&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS683&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjyyMKQ_bPLAhVDnIMKHVUxCbEQ_AUIBygB&biw=1366&bih=657&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=jIRsbFErTuz-LM%3A
  • Walther Flemming

    Walther Flemming
    Flemming is the founder of cytogenetics. This branch of biology helps further stem cell research. And is also used in finding cures to abnormal disorders. Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. https://www.google.com/search?q=fleming&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS683&biw=1366&bih=657&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjM2uOh_bPLAhUhl4MKHZBID0IQ_AUICCgD&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=zRJqbm4KuSZxUM%3
  • Hans Adolf Eduard Dreisch

    Hans Adolf Eduard Dreisch
    completed the first ever demonstration of artificial embryo twinning. The experiment was completed using a sea urchin, because they are considered a simple organism that is useful for studying.
  • Theodor Boveri

    Theodor Boveri
    He established individuality and continuity of chromosomes. He also was notable for first hypothesising the cellular process that causes cancer. Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Hermann J. Muller

    Hermann J. Muller
    He demonstrates that x rays can induce mutations. Because of this they bagan taking precautions. Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. https://www.google.com/search?q=hermann+muller&espv=2&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS683&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9_dS__bPLAhVKt4MKHSIaCv8Q_AUIBygC&safe=active&ssui=on#imgrc=9TE3UUjrir4BNM%3A
  • William Astbury

    William Astbury
    The first x-ray diffraction picture of DNA was taken by William Astbury Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Oswald Avery

    Oswald Avery
    He proved that DNA carries genetic information Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Erwin Chargaff

    Erwin Chargaff
    discovers regularity in proportions of DNA bases for different species. He also studies the amount of adenine is approximately equal to the amount of thymine, asn guanine equals cytosine. Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Rosalind Franklin

    Rosalind Franklin
    she photographed DNA molecules using crystalography which showed the shape of the double helix. "Rosalind Franklin Article." Bio.com. A&E Networks Television, 2016. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
  • Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

    Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
    He was the first to understand the reproduction of viruses. which is used in creating medicines. "DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today." DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today. DNA Learning Center, 2003. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
  • Dr. George Gey

    Dr. George Gey
    He creates a continuous cell line (HeLa) that was taken from a human cervical carcinoma specifically from Henrietta Lacks. HeLa is still used today in medical research. "Timeline | An Introduction to Biotechnology." Timeline | An Introduction to Biotechnology. Amgen Inc., 2016. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Watson and Crick

    Watson and Crick
    Discovered double helix structure of DNA. Which help lead to the discovery of the complementary bases. Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Marshall Nirenberg

    Marshall Nirenberg
    discovered the first "triplet" which is the sequence of three bases that codes for one of twenty amino acids that are used as building blocks. Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Hamilton O. Smith

    Hamilton O. Smith
    Discovers the first site-specific restriction enzyme Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Paul Berg

    Paul Berg
    Creates the first recombinant DNA molecules. which can help improve medicines Venter, J. Craig. "GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline." GNN - Genetics and Genomics Timeline. J. Craig Venter Institute, 2004. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Test tube Baby

    Test tube Baby
    Louise Joy Brown was the first successful 'test-tube' baby that was born in Great Britain. "Who Was the World's First Test-Tube Baby?" About.com Education. About.com, 2016. Web. 08 Mar. 2016. "American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, 2013. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Modern Biotechnology

    Modern Biotechnology
    The Diamond vs. Chakrabarty case, was a supreme court case that ruled, genetically altered life forms have the ability to patented.
  • DNA fingerprinting

    DNA fingerprinting
    This is used to figure out who the deceased are, and is also used to find criminals. "DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today." DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today. DNA Learning Center, 2003. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    An international effort to sequence and map all of the genes. It was published in 2001 "National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) - Homepage." National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) - Homepage. N.p., 2014. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • Human skin in lab

    Human skin in lab
    Is used for skind transplants for people who have skin problem, or maybe burned. Also it can further research skin disorders. "DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today." DNA Timeline: DNA Science from Mendel to Today. DNA Learning Center, 2003. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
  • Natalie Brown

    Natalie Brown
    Natalie, the younger sister of Louise Brown, gave birth to her own daughter. Her daughter Casey would make Natalie the first test tube bay to become a mother herself. "American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, 2013. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.
  • stem cells

    stem cells
    scientists discovered how to use human skin cells to create embryonic stem cells. Genetic Science Learning Center. "The History of Cloning." Learn.Genetics 8 March 2016 http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cloning/clonezone/
  • Shoukhrat Mitalipov and colleagues

    Shoukhrat Mitalipov and colleagues
    Human embryonic stem cells created by somatic cell nuclear transfer. They were the first to use this method to create a human embryo that could be used as a source of embryonic stem cells. Genetic Science Learning Center. "The History of Cloning." Learn.Genetics 8 March 2016 http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/cloning/clonezone/ "Human+embryonic+stem+cells - Google Search." Human+embryonic+stem+cells - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 Mar. 2016.
  • NIH genome sequencing program targets the genomic bases of common, rare diseases.

    NIH genome sequencing program targets the genomic bases of common, rare diseases.
    by increasing the number of genomes that are sequenced, they aim to improve their understandings of how genomic differences among people increase the probability of diseases. They also aim to improve medications and diagnoses with the use of the information from this program. "2016 News Release: New NIH Research Program Targets the Genomic Basis for Human Disease." 2016 News Release: New NIH Research Program Targets the Genomic Basis for Human Disease. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Mar. 2016.