
DNA Science

  • Mogan

    Studying fruit flies, Thomas Hunt Mogan discovered that genes were on chromosomes.
  • Griffth

    Fred griggith, using mice, proved that genetic material could be moved from onme strain of bacteria to another.
  • Fleming

    Sir Alexander Fleming isolated penicillin from a fungus. Many of his ideas are used to develop biotechnology drugs today.
  • Chargaff

    Chargaff showed that in DNA the number of units of adenine equaled those of thymine and the number of units of cytosine equaled those of guanine.
  • Beadle and Tatum

    Beadle and Tatum
    Beadle and Tatum propsed the "one gene produces one enzyme" hypothesis.
  • Avery, McCarty, and Macleod

    Avery, McCarty, and Macleod
    Avery, McCarty, and Macleod established that indeed DNA was hereditary material.
  • Hershey and Chase

    Hershey and Chase
    Using their famous "blender experiment", Hershey and Chase proved viruses replicated using DNA and confrimed the role of DNA as the hereditary material.
  • Rosalind and Franklin and Maurice Wilkins

    Rosalind and Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
    Rosalind and Franklin and Maurice Wilkins established through X-ray crystallography that DNA was indeed a double helix.
  • Watson and Crick

    Watson and Crick
    Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA.
  • Hayes

    Hayes disovered plasmid DNA, circular pieces of DNA found in bacteria.
  • Gilbert

    Walter Gilbert discovered the mechansim of gene expression through his study of messenger RNA
  • Bacterial enzymes

    Bacterial enzymes
    Arber, Nathans, and Smith discovered bacterial restriction enzymes that cut DNA
  • Khorana and Nirenberg

    Khorana and Nirenberg
    Khorana and Nirenberg discovered the 64 codons that code for the 20 amino acids making up proteins.
  • DNA plasmids

    DNA plasmids
    DNA plasmids were isolated and purified by Vinograd