Science cat

DNA Historical Timeline

By real01
  • Friedrich Miescher

    Friedrich Miescher
    Miescher was able to isolate nuclein from other cells.
    He started the ground work for future genorations.
    His discovery was interesting because he came across this idea while experimenting with puss from his arm.
  • Fredrick Griffith

    Griffith's experiment - suggesting bacteria is capable of transfering genetic info through a process called transformation.
  • P.A. Levene

    P.A. Levene
    Found DNA contained adenen, guanine, cytosine, deoxyriobes and phosphate groups.
    This made and understanding for what was in DNA.
    I found this interesting because DNA is so small but contains so much.
  • Oswald Avery

    Oswald Avery
    Avery discovered that DNA is the material that genes and chromosomes are made with.
    He found out, what DNA is made of.
    Side note-he had help from co-workers.
  • Max Delbruck

    Delbruck discovered how to do genetics with bacteria and their viruses.
    His discovery oped the feild for being able to experiment with the struce of DNA and so on.
    This was interesting because this shows just how complicated genetics are.
  • Erwin Chargaff

    Erwin Chargaff
    Discovered that the amount of adenine in all DNA is equal to the amount of thymine and the amound of quanine is equal to cytosine.
    He was able to look at DNA more closely.
    This was interesting because he was able to split cells.
  • Rosalind Franklin

    Rosalind Franklin
    Photo 51 was and x-ray diffraction image of DNA taken by Franklin.
    This helped understand how gentic information is passed on.
    Photo 51 is interesting because a female took it.
  • Hershey and Chase

    These two comfirmed that DNA is the gentic material.
    Bacteriophages DNA enters the host but most of the protein doesn't, is learned from this discovery.
    It's interesting because the DNA would enter but only the DNA.
  • James Watson and Francis Crick

    They discovered the molecular structure of nucleic acids.
    This informed transfer in living materal.
    An interesting fact is that Watson and Crick won a nobel prize in 1962
  • Linus Pauling

    Linus Pauling
    Discovered that DNA was a 3-chained heliz, with bases facing out and the phosphates in the core.
    We learn that DNA is a 3-chain helix.
    Interesting because he failed before but never gave up to figure out the structure