• Discovery of the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.

    Robert Brown, discoverer of the cell nucleus of eukaryotic organisms. This discovery was made while observing the structure of orchids in which an opaque area called the nucleus stood out. He described some 1,200 species new to science from Western Australia.
  • Discovery of Nucleic Acids

    Discovery of Nucleic Acids
    Friedrich Miescher, this Swiss biologist identified the nuclear DNA, nuclein.
  • chromosomes

    The first microscopic observations of chromosomes are made, discovering their involvement in genetic inheritance.
  • x and y chromosomes

    The correlation of the XX chromosomes with the female sex and the XY with the male sex is determined by Wilson and Stevens.
  • Morgan Drosophila

    The theory of sexual inheritance is proposed by Morgan Drosophila for the first mutation of the fruit fly, the white eyes.
  • Albrecht Kossel

    This German biochemist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1910 for his contributions in deciphering the chemistry of nucleic acids and proteins, discovering nucleic acids, bases in the DNA molecule, which constitute the genetic substance of the cell.
  • Chromosomal theory of inheritance

    Established by Thomas Hunt Morgan and his group at Columbia University thanks to studies with the vinegar fly.
  • genetic maps

    Genetic maps demonstrate the linear arrangement of genes on chromosomes.
  • Hershey and Chase experiment

    The Hershey and Chase experiment proves that the genetic information of phages and organisms is DNA. Rosalind Franklin obtains the so-called photograph 51, the first image of DNA made by x-ray diffraction.
  • First manipulations with DNA

    Nathans and Smith discover restriction enzymes, an enzyme that can cut DNA in specific places. These are used in the formation of transgenic plants.
  • transgenic

    Creation of the first transgenic.
  • Animal cloning

    It was manipulated with the first clones in animals creating Dolly the sheep.
  • Parthenogenesis

    A mouse was created in Japan only with the DNA of two females (Parthenogenesis). To fertilize a mouse they needed only two eggs.
  • Conductive DNA of electricity.

    Researchers from the University of Malaga (UMA), belonging to the Department of Applied Physics II, have discovered that the conductive properties of the DNA chain depend on the arrangement of its nucleotides.