

By period3
  • Mar 1, 1543


    Copernicus publishes a book on the movements of the planets.
  • May 22, 1546

    the founding of Cambridge

    the founding of Cambridge
    Trinity College of Cambridge was founded in 1546 by King Henry the 9th.
  • Isaac's dad died

    Isaacs dad, Isaac Newton Senior,passes away.
  • Isaac is born

    Isaac is born
    Isaac Newton is born.
  • Cambridge University

    Cambridge University
    Isaac enrolls in Cambridge University.
  • Telescopes galore

    James Gregory invents the first reflecting telescope.
  • Plauge

    London gets the plauge(A diseas spread by fleas on rats that have diseases).
  • degree

    Isaac earns his bachelor of arts degree.
  • Trouble At Cambridge

    Cambridge University closes because of the plauge in London.
  • FIRE!

    The great fire of London.
  • Robert Hooke

    Robert Hooke invents the universal joint.
  • Robert Hooke hits the big time

    Robert Hooke became the secretary of the Royal Society
  • The Principia

    Isaac's book, "The Principia" is printed.
  • Mental Breakdown

    Isaac had suffered a mental breakdown.
  • mint

    Isaac is appointed warden of the mint.
  • master

    Isaac becomes master of the mint.
  • the election

    Isaac is elected prezident of the Royal Science Society.(A Society dedicated to science and a way of communicating about scientists new discoverys and inventions.)
  • Opticks

    Isaac writes a book on his theories on light.
  • knighted

    Isaac is knighted by Queen Anne the 1st.
  • isaac dies

    Isaac Newton dies at the age of 84.