Disability Legislation

  • Public Law 88-164

    President Kennedy enacted this law which authorized funds for training special education professionals. It would also require research and demonstration of the best practices. It was said his sister's disabilities spurred him to support this law.
  • Public Law 93-112

    Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act. Provided for equal access to programs and services to those with disabilities. People could not be denied participation solely by their disablility. Students with failing grades, suspensions or behavioral issues were included.
  • Public Law 94-142

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act. The federal government accepted responsibility for providing support and resources for children with disabilities. It was designed to "assure all handicapped children have free appropriate public education which emphasized special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs".

    6 key provisions: zero rejection, nondescriminatory eval., IEP, due process and parent participation
  • Public Law 101-336

    ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act. This act extended civil rights to the disabled and enacted anti-discrimination laws.
  • Public Law 107-110

    No Child Left Behind Act. Requires schools to present proof of their effectiveness with disabled children. Should a school not meet standards, funds can be held by government.
  • IDEA

    addressed the qualifiactions of personnel, IEP standards, and transitional services. Reauthorized basic legislation of IDEA.