Developmental Timeline Psychology

By natbugn
  • Rolled over for the first time

    This is a part of the Sensorimotor stage. This is a significant event because it shows motor activity.
  • Said my first word "mom"

    This is a part of the Sensorimotor Stage. This is significant event because I was looking at my mom and connected the word with my mom.
  • Took my first steps

    This is a part of the Sensorimotor Stage. This is significant because it shows how i'm coordinating vision with touch.
  • Began escaping/ climbing out of my crib

    This is a part of the Sensorimotor Stage. This is significant because it shows how i'm starting to explore more.
  • Started preschool

    This is a part of the Preoperational stage. Its significant because this is a major step in going outside the home without a parent.
  • Learned how to count and all the shapes

    This is a part of the Preoperational Stage. This is significant because it shows how i'm starting to put shapes with objects to describe things.
  • Graduated High School

    This is a part of the Formal Operational Stage. This is a significant event because they i'm looking forward to the future.
  • Moved away to college

    This is a part of the Formal Operational Stage. This is significant event because i'm having to grow up all at once and deal with things on my own.
  • Graduated college

    This is a part of the Formal Operational Stage. This is significant because i'm preparing to get a job and set up a whole new life.
  • Got married

    This is a part of the Formal Operational Stage. This is significant because i'm fully committing to something.
  • Had my first kid

    This is a part of the Formal Operational Stage. This is significant because i'm bringing another life into the world.