Development of Democracy

By CSIL128
  • Oligarchy

    A. Most Greek cities states were ruled by a small group of wealthy men called oligarchs.
    B. The oligarchy pasted laws for the rich. They used the army to force others to obey the laws.
    C. The poor turned to leaders for help. The leaders were in the army. Their solders throw the oligarchy out of power.
    D. Russia uses oligarchy to rule. Vladimir Putin is in charge if Russia owes his power to an aristocratic group of boyars.
  • Monarchy

    A. The people that ruled monarchy were a lot of kings.
    B. Their method was to have people council them and advise them.
    C. Then they limited a king rule to certain number of years. Eventually, aristocrats is many cities-states overthrew the monarchy and took the power for themselves, by 800 B.C.E most kings no longer ruled
    D. United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Brunei, Oman, Swaziland, Vatican City.
  • Democracy

    A. The people of Athens were the first to govern themselves
    B. Every citizen votes on every issue. All citizens share the ruling power.
    C. Powerful speakers reversed important decisions. There were Problems and the Greeks returned to earlier forms of government. People ruling themselves would survive.
    D. America is the most famous country that uses democracy. The power rest in the hands of the people. They vote for people to rule.
  • Tyranny

    A. The ruling power in a tyranny is one person who is not a lawful King
    B. He controlled by force. He was a military leader who promised people there rights
    C. Hippies was Athens last tyrant. After is brother was killed, he became cruel. The people took away his power.
    D. Cuba is an example of a country ruled by a tyrant or dictator. It was ruled by Castro. He ruled with force and drove people out of Cuba.