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    The first mechanical computer, The Babbage Difference Engine, was designed by Charles Babbage in 1822. The ABC was the basis for the modern computer we all use today. The ABC weighed over 700 pounds and used vacuum tubes. It had a rotating drum, a little bigger than a paint can, that had small capacitors on it. But it never worked due to low funding.
  • Computer

    The tabulating machine was an electromechanical machine designed to assist in summarizing information stored on punched cards. Invented by an German-American named Herman Hollerith. Herman Hollerith's punched card tabulator transformed data processing, making it possible to analyze data more accurately and faster than ever before.
  • Computer

    Colossus I electronic computer was built in Bletchley Park, England. It was capable of performing only one function, that of code breaking messages sent by Nazi during World War II. It could not be re-programmed. The Colossus was invented by Tommy Flower
  • Computer

    In 1948 an event occurred that was to forever change the course of computers and electronics. Working at Bell Labs three scientists, John Bordeen (1908-1991) (left), Waltar Brattain (1902-1987) (right), and William Shockly (1910-1989) (seated) invented the transistor. This invention gave us the second improved generation computers. This invention show that they could do the same thing as previous invention with less space and power.
  • Computer

    The UNIVAC I was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer design for business application produced in the United States. It was designed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, the inventors of the ENIAC.
    Compared to the previous computers this one was mass produced and set in the motion of having a computer.
  • Computer

    In 1965 the first integrated circuit computer, the PDP-8 from Digital Equipment Corporation appeared. (PDP stands for Programmable Data Processor) After this the real revolution in computer cost and size began. Invented by company Digital Equipment Corporation.
  • Computer

    The January 1975 issue of Popular Electronics carried an article, the first, to describe the Altair 8800, the first low-cost microprocessor computer which had just became commercially available. Invented by Edward Robert who had a student named bill gate to write a program in it. It was a good cheap computer which had a lot of people interested.
  • Computer

    The most successful of the early microcomputers was the Apple II, designed and built by Steve Wozniak. With fellow computer whiz and business savvy friend, Steve Jobs, they started Apple Computer in 1977 in Woz’s garage. This computer was highly warded as the best computer during it time and they would later gain 100 million dollars the next 3 years after the invention. This was the beginning of the next era for computers.
  • Computer

    n 1984 the Macintosh was introduced. This was the first mass-produced, commercially-available computer with a Graphical User Interface. In 1989 Windows 1.0 was introduced for the PC. The window would later be a huge edition to computers and widely popular.
  • Computers

    Now were in the modern era of computers. We need have a window 10 and Microsoft created by bill gates who has already worked on a computer before. These modern computer compared to the older one are million times better within everything in its category.