Design Thinking - DOL - Shuhan(Zoey)Zhou

  • First class, fisrt idea about Design Thinking

    First class, fisrt idea about Design Thinking
    1) what has been learned
    - Introdcution of design thinking : non-liner, critical thinking
    -Empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test
    2) how it was learned
    - Walk up songs
    - Disscussion the assigned reading
    - Stakeholder mapping practice with temporary team
    3) how to apply
    - Have basic idea about design thinking
    - Experience from temporary team work can be applied to work with formal team later
    - I can use stakeholder map in many ways other than this class. (eg. Marketing plan)
  • Week 2 - Class - Empathy/EEA stakeholders/Sticker method

    Week 2 - Class - Empathy/EEA stakeholders/Sticker method
    1) what has been learned
    - Empathize introduction / relationship with EEA
    - How to design summary diagramming
    2) how it was learned
    - Discussion about assigned reading
    - Use “Rose, Bud, Thorn” to figure out “challenge we are taking on regards to EEA” with temporary group, and design summary diagram
    3) how to apply
    - Keep “empathy” in mind when “design thinking”
    - Sticker helps! Use different color stickers when brainstorming
    - Summary the results in the form of diagram
    4) Meet with my team
  • Week 3 - Class - Brainstorm / "Hows&Whys"/Prototype

    Week 3 - Class - Brainstorm / "Hows&Whys"/Prototype
    1) what has been learned
    - Brainstorm : pro/con, rules
    - “Hows” & “Whys”
    - Importance/difficulty matrix
    - “ANOSE”
    - Prototype: aimed to be empathize
    - Types of testing
    - Consider asking ourselves when asking others questions
    - Primary research guideline
    2) how it was learned
    - Discussion about the assigned reading
    - In-class practice
    3) how to apply
    - “Brainstorming tips” could help improve teamwork efficiency
    - When the results of brainstorming are too much, use “Hows & whys” to narrow down
  • Week3 - Team - EEA define/ Interview

    Week3 - Team - EEA define/ Interview
    4) what my team did in this class
    - Brainstorm “How might we define and assess employee engagement?”
    - Assign individual task: interview at least two friends about how they engaged in the workplace
  • Week 4 - Class - Guest / EEA introduction

    Week 4 - Class - Guest / EEA introduction
    1) what has been learned
    - Further discussion about Personas
    - Practical introduction of EEA
    2) how it was learned
    - In-class discussion
    - Guest speaking to inform us the practical EEA: I have more specific idea about EEA and realize there is difference between “employee engagement” and “employee satisfaction”
    3) how to apply
    - Keep “empathy” in mind when creating persona
    - Differentiate “engagement” and “satisfaction” in survey and further research on EEA
  • Week 4 - Team - Prototype / Survey

    Week 4 - Team - Prototype / Survey
    4) what my team did in this class
    - We meet before the class and discuss about what we should do in primary and secondary research
    - Create first prototype “Employee Emma”
    - Create survey questionnaire
  • Week 5 - Class - Mindfulness

    Week 5 - Class - Mindfulness
    1) what has been learned
    - Mindfulness benefits
    - Mindfulness could improve cognitive flexibility and make people more creative, which are good for design thinking.
    2) how it was learned
    - In-class mindfulness practice for several minutes and discuss our feelings
    - Discuss about the assigned reading
    3) how to apply
    - I can do the mindfulness practice by myself in my daily life
    - When working in team, if we have a difficult time in creating, we could do mindfulness practice together
  • Week5 - Team - Stakeholders/Persona

    Week5 - Team - Stakeholders/Persona
    4) what my team did in this class
    - Brainstorm “the stakeholders of EEA”
    - Create a new persona “Angry Andy”
    - Discuss about the results from primary research and assign individual tasks for the primary research paper
  • Week 6 - Class - Feedback/test prototype

    Week 6 - Class - Feedback/test prototype
    1) what has been learned
    - “Better than average effect”
    - How positive and negative feedback motivate goal pursuit: in what situation will positive/negative feedback increase motivation; experts/novices; consideration when giving/receiving feedbacks
    2) how it was learned
    - In-class discussion
    3) how to apply
    - Prepare for next class “testing prototype”
    - When discussing/brainstorming, be patient and positive towards feedback
    - Keep asking “what is my goal” before receiving and giving feedback
  • Week6 - Team - Persona/Prototype

    Week6 - Team - Persona/Prototype
    4) what my team did in this class
    - Brainstorm “how might we redefine EEA” and what kind of method could we use to make EEA” interesting and engaged”
    - Finally choose my “Game EEA” idea as prototype, and discuss about specific details
    - Assign each teammate to ask at least two friends the feedback for the original prototype
  • Week 7 - Class -Sticky idea / test prototype

    Week 7 - Class -Sticky idea / test prototype
    1) what has been learned
    - Make idea stickier
    o Simple
    o Unexpected
    o Concrete
    o Credible
    o Emotional
    o Story
    - Test prototype
    2) how it was learned
    - Discussion the assigned reading
    - Practice by forming temporary group to “pitch the movie”
    - Informal presentations of prototypes and friendly in-class critiques
    3) how to apply
    - Use “SUCCES” for our final presentation as well as in further conversation, writing and etc.
    - Take the suggestions from classmates to adjust our prototype
  • Week 7 - Team - Prototype to present / arrange final report

    Week 7 - Team - Prototype to present / arrange final report
    4) what my team did in this class
    - Share prototype testing results (week 6, ask feedback from friends) with each other
    - Discuss the results and use them to improve the prototype
    - Draw the first version prototype, present to the class and get feedback
    - Talk about the questions raised by classmate and decide to explore more on how to solve them
    - Arrange the next meeting to talk about the final report
  • Week 8 - Class - Final presentation

    Week 8 - Class - Final presentation
    -I am so impressed by other teams’ final projects and prototyopes,such as the painting, interesting video. -At first, I have no idea about what is design thinking, let along how to design employee engagement! During the past 8 weeks, I begin to have basic ideas about design thinking and enjoy in creating and executing ideas with teammate. -Not only learn what is design thinking, but also learn a lot from classmates regards to how to express the idea with different tools.
  • Week 8 - Team - Polishing prototepy / final presentation

    Week 8 - Team - Polishing prototepy / final presentation
    -We meet before the class to make the “building” and organize the presentation -In the class, we use video as introduction and present how it works by actual game players (Use “SUCCES”) -I love my team and our ideas about the EEA