
By dennyjo
  • virginia

    Virginia was founded by the Londan Company. It became a Royal Company. In virginia There was an Indian massacre in 1622.
  • massachusettes

    Founded by the puritans in 1620. Later found the mass. bay colony in 1630. It became a royal colony in 1691.
  • New Hampshire

    New Hampshire
    New Hampshire was founded by John Wheelwright. Became a royal colony in 1679. John wheelwright Planned this colony for money.
  • maryland

    Maryland was founded by Lord Baltimore. The reason of finding this colony was to increase profit. Earlier settlements in Maryland was in 1627.
  • conneticuit

    Conneticuit was founded by the guy thomas Hooker. The reason of the founding of conneticuit was a political error in mass. some of the major events in conneticuit is a war between settlers and the Indians.
  • Rhode island

    Rhode island
    Rhode Island was founded by a guy named Roger Williams. The reason Rhode Island was established is There was a flaw in Mass. bay by the puritans. Rhode Island is a free gov. at the time.
  • Delaware

    Delaware was founded by peter minuit. They were also founded by New sweden company.
  • North Carolina

    North Carolina
    North carolina was founded by virginians. North carolina became a royal colony in 1729.
  • south Carolina

    south Carolina
    South carolina was founded by eight nobles. It became a royal colony in 1729
  • New york

    New york
    New york was founded by The duke of York. And became a Royal colony in 1685.