Decade Of Crisis

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Def, Made Maine a free state and madeMiss. a slave state also said that no slavery above 36 30 line.
    Signif, kept a balance of free an slave states. determined were slavery could be.
  • Tariff of Abominations

    South called the Tariff the tariff of abominations because the north raised the tariff on british goods and forced southerners to by northern goods. Sig- Raised the taxes on british goods
  • Underground Railroad

    Def- A groupe of people formed together to help slaves escape to the north. Sig- Helped free slaves
  • Free Soil Party

    Def- Formed by northern Whigs an democrats and members of small antislavery party known as the Liberity party. Sig- Wonted to stop slavery
  • Compromise of 1850

    Def- Senate passed 5 laws based on Clays resolution together the laws formed the compromise of 1850. Sig- It was to settle several slavery issues.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Def- made it a federal crime to assist runaway slaves. Sig- Helped arrest escaped slaves in states where slavery was illegal.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Def- A book made up of run away slave stories. Sig- Let people no what the slaves where going through
  • Republican party

    def- a political party formed in the 1850 to stop the spread of slavery in the west
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Def-Took the place of missouri compromise Sig- Helped Douglas get the sothern support he needed.
  • sack of lawrence

    def- the name of raid that happened in lawrence. Sig - rebels went in an arrested free soil leaders with treason and burned the whole town.
  • Pottawatomie massacre (bleeding Kansas)

    Def- Abbolitionist John Brown killed 5 pro slavery settlers out of there cabins and excuted them this became known as the Pottawatomie massacre. Sig- Outraged bu the sack of lawrence he wonted revenge.
  • Election of 1856

    Def- president election Sig- Buchanan won the election
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Def- Scott sued for his freedom Sig - he had lived in a free soil place and was gonna get took to jail
  • Lincoln Douglas debates

    Def- A series of debates between Lincoln and Douglas during 1858
    Sig- To see witch one get elected president
  • Freeport Doctrine

    Def- Douglass reply to Abraham Sig- Douglas explained to lincoln how people could use pop. sovereignty to keep slavery out of place when Dred Scott decision said they could not.
  • Election of 1860

    Def- Stephen Douglas an Abraham Lincoln ran against each other. Sig Witch one would get president
  • Confederate states of america

    Def- the name the 7 seceded states gave thers country Sig Formed there own country
  • Fort Sumter

    Def- Battle that started the civil war Sig- first battle that started the civil war