Charles Darwin timeline 1809-1882

  • The early life of Charles Darwin

    The early life of Charles Darwin
    Darwin was born in February 12, 1809 Shrewsbury, England. His father Robert Waring Darwin a prominent doctor had high hopes that his son would follow in his footsteps. Charles Darwin however was more intrested in natural history. His father sent him to study medicine at Edinburgh University in 1825. It was here where Darwins intrest in science blossomed as there was no better university for science education in a british univeristy. His focus on natural history became his passion.
  • Darwin begins his studies

    Darwin begins his studies
    In December 07, 1831 Darwin embarked on the HMS Beagle a British navy ship.The purpose of the trip was to survey the coastline of South America and chart its harbors to make better maps. He spent his time collecting plants, animals, rocks, and fossils throughout the world and sending them back to England. He explored regions in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, and remote islands such as the Galápagos.
  • Darwin's study of natural selection

    Darwin's study of natural selection
    1836, Darwin returned to England. studies of his samples and notes from the trip led to groundbreaking discoveries. study of the fossils lead to advances in learning the processes devolping the earths surface. Darwins study of the plants and animals led him to question how the form change over time. Leading to his most famous insight in 1838, the theory of natural selection. saying a species is more likely to survive and pass on genes when they inherit traits best suited for the environment.
  • The late life of Charles Darwin

    The late life of Charles Darwin
    In 1859 Dawin published his studys of evolution in his book On the Origin of Species. His book was as contraversal as it was popular shaking the very foundation of what peoples thought on evolution during the time. suggesting that species change over time thus the world is much older then what people initally thought. Darwins theory on evolution and natural selection has become the foundation of modern evolutionary science today. Charles Darwin later died in 1882 at the age of seventy-three.