
Darwin's Legacy

  • Darwin is born.

    Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shropshire, England to Robert and Susannah Darwin and was the fifth of six children. He grew up in a Christian home but was all the while completely fascinated by natural history. Darwin bounced around between different schools and professions before becoming a taxidermist under the watch of a freed slave named John Edmonstone. Taxidermy sparked much excitement and curiosity in Darwin.
  • The HMS Beagle Sets Sail

    Although Darwin's family insisted that he become a doctor, he could not seem to trade that in for his passion of the natural world. His cousin, William Darxin Fox, introduced him to beetle collecting which in turn led him through a series of events to a five year voyage on a ship that traveled along the coast of South America where he would eventually end up seeing the Galapagos Islands.
  • On the Origin of Species

    Darwin's book was released containing all of the information and research that he had conducted and gathered during his travels. Once his theory got out, scientists around the world began to shift their way of thinking to this new paradigm and concerning the idea of "where did we come from?" Darwin's theory is the collective thought among the majority of the scientific community today.
  • Darwin's Death

    In 1882, Darwin was diagnosed with heart disease and on April 19, 1892, he died of heart failure.