
  • virginia was founded

    virginia was founded
  • King revoked the london company charter and virginia became the first royal colony

    King revoked the london company charter and virginia became the first royal colony
  • The Massachusetts Bay Coloniy was established as the first charter colony

    The Massachusetts Bay Coloniy was established as the first charter colony
  • the king granted maryland to lord baltimore, which intended as a Haven in Catholic

    the king granted maryland to lord baltimore, which intended as a Haven in Catholic
  • Pennslyvania was granted to William Penn

    Pennslyvania was granted to William Penn
  • England became Great Britian by the act of Union with Scotland

    England became Great Britian by the act of Union with Scotland
    act of union
  • Georgia was last to be formed

    Georgia was last to be formed
  • Gearge III came to the throne and Britian began to deal with its colonies more firmly

    Gearge III came to the throne and Britian began to deal with its colonies more firmly
  • 8 more colonies were founded

    8  more colonies  were founded
  • There were 3 proprietary colonies:Maryland, Pennslyvania and Delaware

    There were 3 proprietary colonies:Maryland, Pennslyvania and Delaware
    How they were split up