cuban revolution

  • urban riots

    Castro took plpaces in urban riots that broke out in Bogota, Colombia.
  • Castro's suicidal attack

    Castro led about 160 men in a suicidal attack on the Moncada millitary barracks in Santiago de Cuba tryibg to up his popularity.Most men were killed, and Fidel was arrested.
  • Armed expedition of 81 men and Castro

    Fidel and 81 men landed on the eastern coast of cuba from the yacht Granma. All men were killed or captured except Fidel, Raul Castro, Ernesto Che Guevara, and nine others who retreated into the Sierra Maestra to go agianst Batista forces.
  • Batista resigned

    Fidel Castro forced Batista to resign from office and flee the country.
  • Fidel became Prime Minister of Cuba

    Castro had 550 of Batista 's asociests exucuted. suspende all elections and named himself "President for life". Who ever oppeseed his ways over thinking would be jialed or executed.
  • Bay of Pigs

    The U.S. attempted to overthrow Fidel. Cuban exiles , armed and trained by Americans, formed an army know as La Brigada and invaded Cubas Bay of Pigs.the army was crushed by Castroafter president Kennedy refused to involve the U.S. armed forces , and 1200 of the invaders were captured
  • Cuban Misile Crisis

    The Soviet Union secretly stationed ballistic missiles in Cuba that could deliver nuclear wrheads to Americn cities, The world came extremly close to a nuclear war.