
Cuban Missile Crisis

  • 1st Day

    1st Day
    This started when President Kennedy was alerted that the Cubans have Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.
  • 2nd Day

    2nd Day
    Presidente Kennedy discussed and thought about what he should do about the missiles
  • 3rd Day

    3rd Day
    JFK met with a Soviet foreign and told him that he would not tolerate missiles in Cuba and Andrei Gomkyo denies having any Soviet weapons in Cuba
  • 4th Day

    4th Day
    President Kennedy meets with the Scretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, and the Joint Chief of Staff to talk about military plans.
  • 5th Day

    5th Day
    President Kennedy comes back to Washington to talk about the discovery of more missiles in Cuba
  • 6th Day

    6th Day
    President Kennedy demands a naval blockade of Cuba as soon as possible, this was reviewed and approved
  • 7th Day

    7th Day
    JFK addresses the public about his plans of the naval blockade of Cuba and the U.S. military goes to defcon 3
  • 8th Day

    8th Day
    The Organization of America States agrees with the decision to quarntine Cuba and photos are revealed that show that Cuba's missiles are ready to launch. JFK and McNamara talk about plans of confrontation
  • 9th Day

    9th Day
    Soviet ships reach the border line, but receive radio orders from Moscow to hold their positions and new photos rise of more soviet weapons and everyone becomes very scared in the U.S. The U.S. military go into DEFCON 2, the highest in U.S. history.
  • 10th Day

    10th Day
    Adlai Stevenson confronts the United Nations but they don't respond and the ships are reviewed
  • 11th day

    11th day
    Krushekev says the Soviets will remove thei missiles if JFK promises not to invade Cuba.
  • 12th Day

    12th Day
    Two U-2 missiles are destroyed ,one runs in it Russia and another is shot down. Krusekev says he needs a public statement that the U.S. Will not invade Cuba and the U.S. takes back their missiles from turkey
  • 13th Day

    13th Day
    Krusekev says that he has agreed to take the missiles out of Cuba and JFK keeps the quarntine line a month after the crisis is over to keep safe until they knew it was over for sure.