Crime and Punishment Year 10 Elective History- James Junis

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Germanic Punishments in the Middle ages

    Germanic Punishments in the Middle ages
    During the early middle ages in Germany, the punishment for murder was merely a fine of the persons estimated wealth over 3 years. Even for the murdering of the king there was a fine. The punishments grew during the middle of the middle ages. to execution for murder.
  • Jan 1, 1300


    The Anglo-Saxons used drowning as a form of punishment for murder it was not often though. Drowning is very self explanitory however the English used more entertainig methods such as indicated in the image.
  • Jan 1, 1450

    Execution By Quartering

    Execution By Quartering
    Quartering was a popular punishment for murder in England as it entertained and warned people in the public about crime. It was very messy as it involved using horses that ripped of one of a persons four limbs.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Medieval England

    Medieval England
    In England the punishments for murder during the middle ages was to be strangled then burned.
    Another method was to tie the person up and put them in water. If the person floated they were guilty of the crime.