Course of World War Two

  • Germany Invade Poland

    Germany invaded Poland without warning sparking the start of World War Two.
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany.

  • The US remains neutral but president Roosevelt declares "limited national emergency".

  • Russia invades Poland

  • Warsaw surrenders

  • The last remaining Polish forces surrender

  • Russia invades Finland

  • Russia-Finland war ends. It convinces Hitler that the Russian military is ineffective.

  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway.

  • Germany invades France, Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg. Winston Churchill becomes Britain's prime minister.

  • German forces reach the British Channel.

  • Italy declares war on the collapsing France and on Britain.

  • France surrenders

  • Hitler cancels the invasion of Britain.

  • Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece

  • The Japanese Navy attacks Pearl Harbor and the Phillipines, and the US joins the war.

  • Germany and Italy declare war on the US.

  • The last German forces in Stalingrad surrender

  • Italy surrenders. The German forces in northern and central Italy occupy it

    The Allies invade Italy's mainland on september 3rd.
  • 1st German V-1 cruise missile attack on Britain

  • Hitler survives an assassination attempt by senior German officers with light wounds.

  • German defense in northern Italy finally collapse

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his bunker in Berlin. He appoints Admiral Doenitz as his successor.

  • Germany surrenders. The war in Europe ends

  • Hiroshima is destroyed by an atomic bomb

  • Russia declares war on Japan

  • Japan surrenders. World War 2 finally ends.