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Conflicts of the Civil War 1861-1865

  • First Bull Run

    First Bull Run
    Union General McDonnel Marched his troops to Richmond to try and seize the capital. The path was blocked by General Beauregard’s forces. At the start of the battle it looked as if the Union had the upper hand but as the battle continued the Confederates held their ground. Once the Confederates received reinforcements they defeated the Union.The Union troops retreating left the path to DC wide open but the Confedereates were unable to pursue. There were 4,800 combined casualties.
  • Shiloh

    The Union Army planned to move south and capture a railway hub. Confederate Albert Johnston defended the hub by fortifying the town of Corinth. Grant’s and Buell’s army’s planned to take Corinth. Johnston tried to attack Grants forces before Buells army arrived. Although Grants army was surprised but kept their ground all day until Buells forces arrive over night. They attacked together at dawn, which made Johnstons withdraw. There was a combined casualties of 23,000 people
  • Antietam

    Robert E Lee decided to take the war to the north by taking supplies to Maryland, move into Pennsylvania, and threaten DC. The Union forces confronted Lee at Antietam Creek. Union General McClellan cautiously engaged, which allowed for confederate time to bring reinforcement's. The end of the day it ended with 23,000 men killed and halted Lees planes to invade the north. Lincoln was furious with McClellan for allowing Lee to escape. This battle allowed for the Emancipation Proclamation.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle of Chancellorsville
    The Battle of Chancellorsville was one of the major battle of the Civil War. It was considered Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s perfect battle because his leadership and decision making skills won him the battle.Even with this victory general Thomas Stonewall was unintentionaly killed by friendly fire.
  • Battle of Vicksburg

    Battle of Vicksburg
    The Battle of Vicksburg was a defining battle of the civil war becuase capturing Vicksburg would allow for full control of the Mississippi to the union. The city is located on a bluff, which was heavily defended with trenches, gun batteries, and a confederate army led by John C. Pemberton. Ulysses S. Grant layed siege on the city from the north. By mid-June, the confederates were almost out of supplies. Which lead to Pemberton surrendering on the Fourth of July.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Gettysburg was a major turning point in the war. Lees army met the Union general George Meade at Gettysburg Pennsylvania on July first. The confederate forces were not able to drive the union army off of their territory. Even the following day when more reinforcements arrived Lee still failed to get rid of the Union Army. On July 3rd Lee ordered one last ditch attempt called the Pickett’s Charge, where 15,000 troops assaulted cemetery ridge and broke through, but they were unable to consolidate.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Battle of the Wilderness
    The battle was the first appearance of Robert E. Lee’s army and Ulysses Grant’s army met in battle.The Battle was mostly inconclusive. It was considered the beginning of a long series of bloody battles that would be fought between these two generals.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor

    Battle of Cold Harbor
    The Battle of Cold Harbor was the last major battle victory for Confedereate General Robert E. Lee. The Battle was very bloody and there were massive Union casualties.
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Battle of Atlanta
    The Battle of Atlanta was fought from July 22nd until it fell to Union forces on September 2nd. This battle had a major political effect in the Union election of 1864. Lincoln was running against McClellan, becuase of the capture of Atlanta it gave Lincoln enough votes in the polls that he was reelected, which was not looking his way before the fall of Atlanta. there were a little over 9000 deaths involved in the Battle of Atlanta.
  • March to the Sea

    March to the Sea
    March to the Sea was a campaign of total war waged by General William Sherman after the capture of Atlanta. Sherman’s forces marched through Georgia, destroying everything in their path in an attempt to disrupt the southern economy and transportation networks. When they captured Savannah, Shermans forces rested and then continued their march up tworads the Carolina’s. The march ended on April 26, 1865 when Confedereate General Johnston surrendered.