Conflicts Between European Settlers and Native Americans from 1622-1973

  • 1622

    Powhatan Confederacy almost exterminates Jamestown colony
  • 1675-1676

    Colonists defeat the Narragansett, Wampanoag, and Nipmuck Indians.
  • 1676

    Nathaniel Bacon and group of revolters destroy the Pamunkey Indians.
  • 1680

    Pueblo revolt threatens Spanish-held New Mexico.
  • 1754-1763

    The French and Indian War.
  • 1763

    Ottawa chief, Pontiac, forges a confederation against the British.
  • 1782

    George Clark marches Northwest to Shawnee and Deleware country and continuously defeated the Indians.
  • 1791

    Arthur St. Clair suffers extreme loss on Wabash River
  • 1794

    Anthony Wayne achieves revenge at the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
  • 1811

    At the Battle of Tippecanoe, William Harrison burns and destroys an Indian village.
  • 1812

    U.S. declares war on Britain due to attacks from Indians that were encouraged by Britain.
  • 1813

    Hundreds on American prisoners are killed at River Raisin.
  • 1814

    The Creek Indians are defeated Horseshoe Bend
  • 1831-1832

    Sac and Fox Indians are defeated in Black Hawk's War.
  • 1835-1842

    The Second Seminole War begins after Seminole Indians and slaves refuse to relocate.
  • 1855-1858

    The Third Seminole War exterminates the remaining members of the tribe.
  • 1855-1856

    The Rogue River War and Yakima War force several Indian tribes to reservations
  • 1858

    The Spokane War forces several Indian tribes onto reservations.
  • 1862

    Indian forces fought with the Confederation during the Battle of Pea Ridge.
  • 1864

    John Chivington and others exterminate over two hundred of Black Kettle’s Cheyennes and Arapahos at the Sand Creek Massacre.
  • 1867

    The Sioux, Northern Cheyennes, and Arapahos force the European army to leave their forts in Red Cloud’s War.
  • 1867-1868

    George Crook defeats the Paiutes in Northern California and Southern Oregon.
  • 1868

    George Custer destroys Indian villages and resources in the Battle of Washita
  • 1873

    A Modoc Chief assassinates Edward R.S. Canby which resulted in the removal and defeat of the tribe.
  • 1874-1875

    Philip Sheridan and his forces manage to break apart tribes in the Red River War of 1874-1875.
  • 1877

    Nelson Miles torments Indian villages and wins battles like the one at Wolf Mountain.
  • 1890

    The death of over two hundred Sioux and Northern Cheyennes and sixty four soldiers occurred at Wounded Knee.
  • 1973

    The Apaches temporarily took control of Wounded Knee resulting in conflict.
  • 1878-1879

    An opposition between settlers and Bannocks, Paiutes, Sheepeaters, and Utes.