computer timeline

  • Charles Babbage

    In 1822 the first computer machine was made it was called the difference engine. It was invented by Charles Babbage.
  • George Stibitz

    He finshed the complex computer calculator what he invented.
  • John Mauchly

    he was given an conract to make a stored program computer.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates made a company called mircosoft and he invented a few computers as well.
  • Steve Dompier

    At the time when computer speech was barely realisted, he made his computer sing. It was a trick that unvieled at the first meeting of the homebrew computering club in 1975.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs invented Apple 1 of the Apple company.
  • Daniel Hillis

    Daniel of thinking machines corp. Moved artficial intelligence a step forward when he devolped the controversial concept of massive parrelism in the connection machine.