Computer's Greatest Events

  • Invented a Computer with Stored Memory

    Invented a Computer with Stored Memory
    The first computer to ever store memory. This method is used to this day.
  • Developed a code breaking machine

    Developed a code breaking machine
    A machine that aided the British in World War Two in decoding the Nazi's encrypted messages. It's said to have shorten the war by two years. Also thought of as the first computer.
  • First Electronic Computer was created

    First Electronic Computer was created
    IAS created the first actul electric computer. This paved the way for our computers today. Maybe if it wasn't creatd then, computers would still be a theory
  • A New Programming Language Was Invented

    A New Programming Language Was Invented
    The Common Buisiness-Oriented Language (CBOL) programming language was invented. This united all computers under one code, which was important in order for computers to go world-wide.
  • Computer Mouse was Invented

    Computer Mouse was Invented
    The first computer mouse was invented. This enabled the user to click on certain things and be in control. Without the computer mouse, our computers today would be a lot different. Computers probably wouldn't be a home tool for ordinary people because ordinary people would have no use for them.
  • RAM was invented

    RAM was invented
    RAM (Random Access Memory) was invented by Intel. Without this, computers wouldn't able to run programs.
  • First Personal Computer was Created

    The first personal computer was created. This meant computers could be used by ordinary people. Without it, computers would be more of a scientific, university concept rather than a thing anyone can use.
  • DNS was Invented

    DNS was Invented
    DNS (Domain Name System) was invented. This is basically how the internet exists. Without it, people couldn't see websites unless they had the program themselves.
  • Apple Macintosh Releases a Computer

    Apple Macintosh Releases a Computer
    Apple Macintosh comes out with their computer with a mouse and interface. Apple is a computer behemoth now; imagine if they hadn't existed. This was also the first computer with a mouse and interface.
  • World Wide Web was invented

    Without this, the internet wouldn't exist. Like the Domain Name System, this was and still is, an important part of the Internet. This about all those Tumblr girls with no meaning in their life.