History of computers

Computer history

  • John Napier

    John Napier
    He is considered as one of the best mathematicians ever because he invented the logarithms.
  • Blaise Pascal

    Blaise Pascal
    He invented the first mechanical calculator, which made him a great mathematician.
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    He is most famous for coming up with the concept of a programmable computer, also known as the "father of the computer". His machines were between the first mechanical computers. He invented his revolutionary "difference engine"
  • Lady Augusta Ada

    Lady Augusta Ada
    She worked with Charles Babbage on the mechanical computer "Analytical Engine", where se introduced aparently the first algorithm, which made her known as the first programmer.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    He described the principle of modern computer
  • Tommy Flowers

    Tommy Flowers
    He designed Colossus, the first programmable electronic computer.
  • Howard Aiken

    Howard Aiken
    He is really famous for being involved in the creation of the electro-mechanical computer "Harvard Mark 1".
  • Jack Kilby

    Jack Kilby
    He was mostly known for being part of Texas Instruments Incorporated, where he and his other partners invented the first hand-held pocket calculator.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    He and Wozniak invented and designed the Apple I computer.
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    He invented the first version of Microsoft Windows. It was commonly known as Windows 1.0
  • Larry Page

    Larry Page
    Larry and Sergey Brin created Google, Inc. It officially began at Stanford University
  • Sergey Brin

    Sergey Brin
    With Larry Page, he co-founded Google, originally at Standford University, which in the future made him earn billions of dollars.