Computer History

  • IBM Ships First Electronic Computer

    IBM Ships First Electronic Computer
    Many were shipped to labs, aircrapf companies, and the government. This is important because it is a step in the advancement of the computers because this model had higher skilled programming and fster loading time.

    A new language for a computer is invented. This used loops. There was a error that didn't work with commas. A later version came our fixing this. This is important because it shows the different languages in computers. This also shows the trials and errors we have come across.
  • Space War Computer Game

    Space War Computer Game
    First computer game invented by Steve Russel and MIT. This is important because it is an advancement in the way we use computers. They were never used for gaming until this game was invented.
  • Origional Internet

    Origional Internet
    First internet made by ARPAnet. This is important because internet changed the way people could research and share information wiht eachother.
  • First Microprocessor

    First Microprocessor
    Intel 4004 Computer Microproccessor created by Faggin, Hoff, and Mazor. This is important because the microprocesser processes the information and tells the computer what to do. This helped advance what we could do on computers.
  • Floppy Disk Invented

    Floppy Disk Invented
    The floppy disk was invented by Alan Shugart &IBM. It was nicknamed floppy for its flexibility. This is important because it brought ways we could save and transfer information from computer to computer.
  • First Hard Disk Drive

    First Hard Disk Drive
    The ST506 held five megabytes of data. This was inportant because it held 5x the amount of data as a standard floppy disk.
  • Pixar is Founded

    Pixar is Founded
    Pixar used computer programs to create animations. This is important because it is the first company who used computers to create animations, not drawings.
  • World Wide Web Invented

    World Wide Web Invented
    The World Wide Web was invented when Tim Berners-Lee html which allowed the internet to expand into the world wide web. This is important because we use the world wide web everyday and it expanded how we could search on the internet for other websites.
  • First Mosaic Web Browser

    First Mosaic Web Browser
    The first mosaic web browser was invented. This brought graphical content access to the internet. This is important because it brought a better appearence to the intenet and web browsing.