Computer evolution from 1930 to 1940

  • Vannevar Bush

    Vannevar Bush
    Differential Analyzer was built and is the first automatic general purpose mechanical analog computer.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    Alan Turing published a paper, “On Computable Numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem,” which became the beginning of computer science.
    Turing showed you could construct a single Universal Machine. Which was one automated machine solving any problem or performing any task. Which today is known as the computer.
  • Howard Aiken

    Howard Aiken
    Howard AIken was most known for the invention of the Harvard Mark 1 calculating machine. This was inspired by Charles Babbage and comprised of 1 million parts, 500 miles of wire and 60 sets of 24 switches and had a total weight of 5 tons.
    The mark 1 stored numbers 23 decimals long and could add and subtract numbers in 1 second.
  • Claude E. Shannon

    Claude E. Shannon
    A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits is a thesis that explains how Boolean could be used to simplify relays. These relays were the building blocks of electromechanical machines. His thesis became the basis for the electoral circuit found in computers.
  • Konrad Zuse

    Konrad Zuse
    Created the first programmable computer, which read instructions from punched tape.
    It also used Boolean logic and binary to make discussion through relays.
    First completed binary computer using Charles Babbage’s concepts.