computer evolution

  • World's First Computer

    World's First Computer
    In 1822 Charles Babbage created the first computer called the "Difference Engine". Babbage was helped by Ada Lovelace to complete the machinge
  • The Z1

    The Z1
    The Z1 was created in 1938. The Z1 was created by the German Konrad Zuse. It is to be considered the electro-mechanic binary programmable computer. FUN FACT: The Z1 was created in Zuse's parents living room.
  • The 200B

    The 200B
    THE 200B was created by David Packard and Bill Hewlett. They started their business in Palo Alto, California. This business was started so they could sell the computer.
  • English Electric DEUCE

    English Electric DEUCE
    Created by Alan Turing in 1955, this computer was mostly used for science and engineering. FUN FACT: Over 30 of these computers were created and shipped,one was even sent to Australia!
  • NEAC 2203

    NEAC 2203
    The NEAC 2203 was a computer that was exclusively to the country of Japan when it was still being sold. The computer had a CPU, console, paper tape, reader and punch, printer and a magnetic tape unit. FUN FACT:only 30 of these were ever sold.
  • Super Paint

    Super Paint
    Super Paint is the first digital drawing system to use frame buffer, a high-speed memory with all other paint programs. The computer could use over 16.7 million colors, and had an adjustable paintbrushes. It was designed by Richard Shoup. FUN FACT:Richard won a Technical Academy Award in 1998 for invention.
  • The First Personal Computer

    The First Personal Computer
    The first personal computer was called the Altair 8800 by Ed Roberts in 1981. FUN FACT: This computer costed about $750.
  • The PowerBook

    The PowerBook
    The PowerBook was created by Apple in 1991. This laptop was still sold on shelves in 2006.
  • MacBook Air

    MacBook Air
    The MacBook Air was created by Apple in 2008. The company still sells this computer and you could still buy one today.