
Community College Development

  • First Jr college

    The first junior college was an extension of high school
  • low enrollment

    Few people enrolled, limited offerings
  • Expanding the roll of Community College

    During the Great Depression, community colleges began to offer job training. This helped with the unemployment predicament. This trend continued for years to come.
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    job training continues

    During these years job training at the community college continued.
  • enrollment increases

    During the 1960's the enrollment increased a lot. In fact by 1970 it had doubled.
  • Became part of the American Education system

    By the 1970's with all the growth in community college they had really become a big part of the American education system. I few reasons this growth was so substantial include the baby boomers had reached college age, many wanted to defer the draft of the Vietnam War and parents were more interested in getting their children post secondary education.
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    Part time enrollment increase

    The number of part-time enrollees increased from 49% to 64% from 1970-1999
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    race and ethnicity increased enrollment

    The ethic minority enrollment has continued to increase over the years. In 1976 it increased to 20%. In 1999 it had increased to 33%
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    gender flip

    in 1970's the majority of enrollees were males (67%) but by 1980 the enrollment had flipped favoring the female student (55%). This trend has continued, by 1990 the women enrolled was 57%.
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    Community College Continues to Adapt

    With the constantly changing demands in the job force with new technology the community college system is always adapting and new ways to educate the work force as well and the full-time student.