History Timeline

By SiYaP.
  • 1492

    Colombus Lands In The Caribbean

    Colombus Lands In The Caribbean
    Columbus tried to go to Asia and ended up in the Caribbean Islands. This was important because Columbus discovered a new lands led to him taking advantage of it's people and resources and making the 'New World' known to Europe.
  • Jamestown Was Founded

    Jamestown Was Founded
    Jamestown was the first settlement in the New World. It was important because it was the start of colonization in the Americas.
  • Pilgrims Land In Plimouth

    Pilgrims Land In Plimouth
    The pilgrims came to the New World. They created many settlements and relied on their resources to create a society.
  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War was a fight between the British and the colonies VS. the French and the Native Americans. This result of this war was important it resulted in the British gaining land in the New World and the French colonies being demolished.
  • The Albany Plan of Union

    The Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Union was a plan formed by Benjamin Franklin saying that the colonies needed to join with the British government to win the French and Indian War. It was important because this led onto conflict between the British and the colonies after the war was over.
  • The Treaty Of Paris 1763

    The Treaty Of Paris 1763
    The 'Treaty Of Paris 1763' was a was a document signed by the British representatives and the French. This was important because it led to the end of the French and Indian War.
  • The Proclamation Of 1763

    The Proclamation Of 1763
    The 'Proclamation Of 1763' was an issue by King George III stating the the colonists couldn't settle past the Appalachian mountains, even after they won the French and Indian War. This was significant because it led on to start of tension between the colonists and the crown.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    'The Stamp Act' was created by the British parliament as a way for colonists to pay back money owed to the British for the French and Indian War. Paper was taxed with an extra stamp that had to be bought per piece. This was important because it angered the colonists, and led to a revolt, as well as a refusal to buy British paper.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The 'Quartering Act' was enforced after the 'Stamp Act' and it was another way to tax the colonists by the British to pay back ware debt. This was important because while the British Parliament told the colonists to house the British Soldiers, the colonists refused and conflict began to stir.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act
    The Townshend Act was another rule enforced by British Parliament who decided to put taxes on all the colonies' imports. This was important because when the colonies began to neglect British goods and trade amongst themselves, this led to the arrival of British troops in Boston, October st.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a rampage which British Soldiers had shot at a crowd of a couple hundred Bostonians who were teasing and harassing them. This was important because the tension between the Bostonians and the British is what sparked the start of the Revolutionary War.
  • Tea Act Of 1773

    Tea Act Of 1773
    The Tea Act oF 1773 was an act made by parliament that made British taxed tea cheaper than the tea that the colonists were smuggling. This was important because it encouraged the boycott on tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a protest from the colonists who were fighting against the taxed tea from the British parliament. The importance was led to extreme anger amongst the British and the Bostonians.
  • The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

    The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts
    The 'Intolerable' or Coercive Acts were a set of 4 laws created by the parliament to act as a consequence for the damage in the Boston Tea Party. This was important because it angered the colonists and sparked rebellion and retaliation.
  • 1st Continental Congress

    1st Continental Congress
    This happened when 12 and 13 British and American delegates came to meet in Pennsylvania to discuss the future of the colonists and the colonies. It was important because at the time their was growing tension between the British and the colonists and the Continental Congress revolted against the Intolerable Acts.
  • The Battle of Concord

    The Battle of Concord
    The Battle Of Concord was along the Battle Of Lexington when the colonists, carrying weapons, were killed several British soldiers who had marched into their territory with the intentions of seizing them. This was important because it marked the start of American independence and war.
  • The Battle Of Lexington

    The Battle Of Lexington
    The Battle of Lexington was when the colonists, carrying weapons, battled redcoats who had marched into Lexington. This also happened in Concord. The importance was that it led to the deaths of civilians, sparking conflict between the nations of Britain and the Colonies, which was followed by the American Revolution.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution (Bunkerhill - Yorktown)

    The American Revolution was long war containing many battles in which mainly focused on the British and the colonies of the New World. This was important because it changed the government system of the colonies and they earned their independence.
  • 2nd Continental Congress

    2nd Continental Congress
    During this meeting of the continental congress, delegates established the continental army, elected George Washington to represent them. This was important because the Olive Branch Petition was sent to the British king, during the congress, as an offer of peace between the nations.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Olive Branch Petition
    The Olive Branch Petition was a formal document offering peace that was created and signed by the delegates of the continental Congress and sent to the British King. The significance of the document was that it was a final attempt to stop the tension between the British and the colonies, along a possible war.
  • Common Sense (Thomas Paine)

    Common Sense (Thomas Paine)
    Common Sense was a small book created by Thomas Paine that explained to the colonists how they were treated unfairly by the British and the root of their problems was all linked to the tyranny of the British Monarchy. This was important because Common Sense explained how the colonists needed to fight for their independence, which inspired the colonists to fight back.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a document signed by colonists and officials stating the independence of America from British rule. It was important because it made the colonists realize how they could govern themselves and stay independent.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    Treaty of Paris 1783
    The Treaty of Paris was a treaty signed by the British and the Colonies stating land given to the colonists in the western territory of the New World that was forfeit by the British. This was important since it ended the Revolutionary War.
  • Shays' Rebellion

    Shays' Rebellion
    The Shays' Rebellion was a fight in Massachusetts between farmers against their government in debt. This was important because when government tried to collect more taxes from its people after the Revolutionary War, the colonists didn't have the money or supplies to do so, resulting in the rebellion.
  • Congress ratifies the U.S Constitution

    Congress ratifies the U.S Constitution
    Congress ratified the Constitution in 1787 when it was accepted by the delegates of the states. This was important because it lead to the start of new government
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    The Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion was a rebellion led by farmers who were revolting against taxation of whiskey in their new government. This was important because it was one of the first issues that president George Washington had to handle and used military force to suppress the mob of angry citizens.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The XYZ affair was a negotiation between France and the United states in which spies were sent to the United states, which led to an undeclared war between the nations.
  • The War of 1812

    The War of 1812
    The War of 1812 was fought between the British and the United States about British maritimes and the impressment of American sailors. This was important because it established clear boundaries between the nations.