
Colonization, Settlement, and Communities

  • Roanoke Colony

    Roanoke Colony
    Technically the first colony founded by Sir Walter Raleigh. Located along the coast of now North Carolina. While there are many theories, it is unknown what happened to this colony. They appear to have disappeared with only few clues left behind.
    Visit History to watch a brief video
  • Jamestown Virginia

    Jamestown Virginia
    Jamestown, Virginia is the first permanent settlement of the "New Land", to the Europeans. Important to note this was the first (permanent) settlement from the Europeans, other countries having already found settlement and of course the land being already occupied.
    Jamestown persevered for about 100 years, after intense battles, disease and famine within weeks of landing. Here is a website to the museum, Jamestown Rediscovery where you can learn about the town
  • Slaves arrive in Jamestown

    Slaves arrive in Jamestown
    The kidnapping and arrival of slaves in Jamestown marks the next two and a half centuries of slavery in the U.S.. There were about 700 people living in Jamestown by this point. There were about 250 people brought over at this time. Trade and the colonial economy began to rise during this time as well.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    Originally intending to land around the now Hudson River, the Mayflower had to dock at Plymouth. With this change, those aboard the Mayflower wrote the Mayflower Compact. The compact was written to ease any discomfort as well as from a sort of temporary government. This was all for the, "general good of the colony" according to the Pilgrim leaders.
    This website offers the, "oldest known source" of the document
  • Plymouth Colony

    Plymouth Colony
    Aboard the Mayflower, about 100 men and women set out and landed on what is now Massachusetts or other wise known as Plymouth Rock. With this group were those of the English Separatist Church, who would later become known as the Pilgrims. This settlement is where the idea of Thanksgiving came to be. At the Plymouth museum, you can ride a replica of the ship, eat colonial food and see how the colonist lived during this time.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    A royal charter, given by King Charles the first to the Puritan Leaders, allowed for the official markings of this colony. The charter also allowed for the foundation of a government and with this independence from England.
  • Boston & the Puritans

    Boston & the Puritans
    Gaining more land, the Puritans soon established Boston. Similar to those they were running from, the Puritans showed little mercy to the Quakers who had lived their beforehand. Boston soon became known for their whaling and fishing industry.
  • The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

    The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
    The Fundamental Orders, most likely written by Roger Ludlow, was written with a preamble and 11 orders/laws. The document bound the three towns of, Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield. This allowed for a scaffold government of Connecticut from 1639 to 1662
  • Key to the Language of America

    Key to the Language of America
    Written by Roger Williams. Roger founded his own town, Providence as a safe place from the Protestants. He became the first president of Rhode Island and stayed in politics for most of his life. He had developed a peace treaty with the Narragansett Indians, where he then wrote his work, translating the language.
    The National Park Service allows you to download chapters from this text
  • Toleration Act of 1649

    Toleration Act of 1649
    Document comprised in the Maryland colony to provide religious freedom to Catholic Marylanders. Due to Catholics in the region becoming few and Protestants on the rise, the Catholics needed a way to keep political power.
  • Quakers arrive in New England

    Quakers arrive in New England
    The members of the Religious Society of Friends (also known as the Quakers) continue to show up in increasing numbers in Boston. Mary Fisher and Ann Austin are two women who are the first to arrive on a ship called the Swallow looking for religious freedom and are met with brutality from the Puritans. Eventually, the two women and 6 others are sent home but Quakers continue to colonize and their population increases.
  • New Netherlands Seized by Duke of York

    New Netherlands Seized by Duke of York
    As the Dutch fight to have a spot in North America, naval ships are brought in to seize New Netherlands. It is captured in 1673 but taken back by the English and named after the Duke of York who has a charter for the land granted by King Charles II.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    King Philip's War was named after the Wampanoag chief Metacom who started a war with the English colonists over the invading of their lands. After the death of thousands, the war was ended when Chief Metacom was killed in 1676.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    The governor of Jamestown, Sir William Berkeley, enlisted the help of his cousin in-law, Nathaniel Bacon, to lead volunteers in keeping Doeg native Americans away to take more of their land and enslave the Doeg people. what was meant to be a partnership between Bacon and Berkeley turned into a civil war when Bacon and his people created a list of grievances and acted upon their frustrations by burning down parts of Jamestown.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The salem Witch Trials took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the town of Salem where it started as 3 girls were accused of witchcraft, Tituba, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne. It is theorized these were caused by the rise of fear within the colony of the devil, as it was a strong religious community.
  • Charter of Privileges

    Charter of Privileges
    the Charter of Privileges, also known as the charter of liberties, was created to serve as Pennsylvania's constitution. this document entitled the people of this colony to religious freedom, separation between church and state, and created a balance of power between branches in their government.
  • Settlement of Georgia

    Settlement of Georgia
    Established by James Oglethorpe and twenty other men, the colony was set up as a place to give those ridden with debt a new start due to the prisons being over crowded with debtors. This settlement eventually turned from a colony of prisoners to a colony of skilled laborers.
  • The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War
    As the French and British push to gain new territory in North America, border disputes around the Appalachian mountain territory break out in whos-is-what arguments. Great Britain and the English colonies formed together to defeat the French and gain more territory by ending it in 1763 with a treaty.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    On this day, seven of the British North American colonies created the first plan to meet and unite as a whole under one government. Colonizers had been fed up with being under a government across the sea and wanted more control in the colonies.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the document that marked the end of the Seven Years War between Great Britain and the French. Since it was the British who defeated the French, all land previously occupied by France was given to the British and stated that they must stay out of the territories in mainland North America.