Colonial America

  • Roanoke

    On August 1587, about 115 English settlers arrived on Roanoke island, attempting to form the first permanent English outpost in the new world. After a couple years, the leader of the colony was called to get some suplies, but he was called to war when he was there. When he returned, no one was there except a carving on a post that said "Croatoan".
  • Jamestown

    On the year 1607, 100 people set up a permanent English settlement on the James River, and named it Jamestown. The first two years of Jamestown were terrible before the arrival of a new group of settlers and supplies in 1610. Tobacco became the first profitable export, and there was some peace when John Rolfe married Pocahontas, the daughter of an Algonquian chief. Then in 1620, Jamestown expanded greatly, and was the capital of the Virginia colony until 1699.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    Maryland and Virginia had governing bodies known as the House of Burgesses. The first meeting of the House of Burgesses was in 1619 and it was established later that year. they met at a wooden church at Jamestown. There the General Assembly followed orders that were from the Virginia Company’s Great Charter of 1618. The new charter was the next step in the government of the Virginia colony.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    In the year 1620, 100 pilgrims traveled on a boat called the Mayflower. The boat tried to set sail on July, but Speedwell, the ship it was traveling with, leaked. The Mayflower decided to leave the ship behind and set sail on September 6. During the trip there was a storm that damaged the ship and swept someone off the ship. Although one person died, two babies were born on the ship. After 2 months, the Pilgrims arrived at Cape Cod on November 11, 1620.
  • Great Migration

    Great Migration
    The Great Migration is when English puritans migrated to New England. They migrated due to religious believes and for economic reasons. The puritans were a group of people who felt the Church of England was too closely associated with the Catholic religion and needed to be reformed.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    Massachusetts Bay Colony started in 1628,and was the largest settlement in new England, and was founded and developed by Puritans. John Winthrop was responsible for the development for the first 18 years of the colony. As the Massachusetts Bay Colony developed, it came into conflict with Native Americans which resulted into two wars. After Winthrop died in 1649, the colony's Charter was taken away, but it got a new one in 1691 under the name Province of Massachusetts Bay.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    The Maryland Toleration Act is a act protecting people to be Christians or any other religion they want. Most of the act said how important is was for Christians to have a"well-governed” community. The act also states the "serious" connection between the political views and respect for all established religions. The act also says if anyone makes fun of God they could get a fine for profaning the Sabbath, or even death. The last part of the act makes sure religious people have freedom.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    The Witch Trials started in 1692, after a group of girls claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several other women of witchcraft. More and more people were accused for practicing witchcraft, and a person named Bridget Bishop, was hanged in June. 150 others were accused over the next several months.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    The Salutary Neglect was an unofficial British policy in the 17th century, which the British intentionally lacked enforcement in the American Colonies. For most of the 17th century, the British had no official policies in place regarding the colonies, so the merchants and independent corporations in the colonies governed themselves with barley any supervision from the British at all, but in 1651 an act was passed that goods for the American Colonies had to be shipped on English ships.
  • Great Awakening

    Great Awakening
    The Great Awakening started because the ministers called for a "new birth" and stronger religion. This lead to people being inspired to have greater religious freedom, and churches focusing more on personal faith rather than on church rituals. More colonists began choosing their own religion, and the strength of established official churches declined. The colonists realized that they had the ability and the right to make their own decisions for what they wanted to believe in.
  • Albany Plan

    Albany Plan
    The Albany Plan was brought up because they wanted a strong union of the colonies under one single government and direction, and because of the threats from the French and Indian war. Even though the Albany Plan was a good idea, it was rejected and would later be accepted when American settlements declared their independence.
  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    The French and Indian War lasted from 1756 to 1763. This war happened because the French territory was conflicting with the British territory. This lead to the British declaring war. During the war the French started to loose, but they were saved by Spain who decided to help the French. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in February 1763. The British received Canada from France and Florida from Spain, but they let France keep its West Indian sugar islands.They also gave Spain some land.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 happened after the French and Indian war and was meant to appease the Indians by checking kicking off Europeans who were on their land. The Europeans also made a boundary called the proclamation line, separating the British colonies on the Atlantic coast from American Indian lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Europeans could not go over the boundary or trade with the Native Americans. The only people who could trade with them were licensed traders.
  • Pennsylvania

    Pennsylvania was one of the original 13 colonies and was made a state on December 12, 1787. Founded by William Penn, Pennsylvania became the second state to confirm the U.S. Constitution. In the civil war, Pennsylvania was the site of the Battle of Gettysburg, which Union General George Meade defeated Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Pennsylvania was also the site of the first and second Continental Congresses in 1774
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was the home of Eli Whitney and Samuel Colt and was a leading manufacturer of guns and other arms. Connecticut borders Massachusetts to the north, Rhode Island to the east, Long Island Sound to the south and New York to the west. The capital of Connecticut is Hartford, and it is 5,544 square miles big.It became a state on January 9, 1788.
  • Maryland

    Maryland is one of the smallest state in the U.S, and became a state on April 28, 1788. Maryland is also one of the original 13 colonies. Maryland was named in honor of Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I. The colonists departed for Maryland on November 22, 1633, and arrived on March 25, 1634 at St. Clement's Island, which was where the first Catholic service was held, with more than 200 people attending. Soon Maryland became known for being Catholic among the colonies.
  • New York

    New York
    New Amsterdam was a colony from the Dutch located on Manhattan Island, but in 1644, the English took over renaming it New York. One of the 13 original colonies, New York also was a big part of the American Revolution. New York's capital is Albany and its size is 54,555 square miles. It became a state on July 26, 1788.
  • Carolina

    Carolina was one of the original 13 colonies, and became a state on November 21, 1789. Carolina was the first state to instruct its people to vote for independence from the British. Following the Revolutionary War, Carolina made a slave plantation system and became a major exporter of cotton and tobacco. In 1861, Carolina was one of the 11 states to break away from the United States, beginning the American Civil War, and even though there was no battle by them,they sent people.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    Rhode Island is the smallest state in the U.S, and became a state on May 29, 1790. It's known as the Ocean State because it has 400 miles of Coastline. Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams in 1636, who was kicked out of the Massachusetts Colony because of his religious beliefs. During colonial times, Newport was very popular for shipping and trade, and in the 19th century, Rhode Island became popular for power-driven textile mills. Rhode island also hosted the first tennis championship.