Colonial Era Timeline

  • Sep 10, 1500

    French began fur trade with Indians

    worldwide industry for animal fur
  • Jun 9, 1534

    Jacque Cartier sailed the St. Lawrence

    the king ordered him to find certain things from france to asia
  • Apr 6, 1538

    Hernando de Soto’s expedition of the Southeast

    he was a spanish explorer and he discovered the Mississippi River
  • Apr 22, 1540

    Coronado's expedition from Mexico to Kansas

    he was a leader throught the expidition through arizona
  • Sep 8, 1565

    Spanish establish St. Augustine, Florida

    Pedro Menéndez de Avilés founded St. Augustine, Florida
  • John Rolfe introduced tobacco to Virginia

    he was the first person to have an sucessful cultivation of tobacco
  • Attempted Roanoke Colony

    Queen Elizabeth attempted to establish a permanent English settlement.
  • Juan de Onate founded Santa Fe

    he had search parties to try to find treasures
  • Jamestown, Virgina founded

    the day North America picked virgiana for their settlement, and they named it after their king
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec

    established the settlements of New France and the city of Quebec.
  • first african slaves arrived in Virginia

    20 Africans on board entered port at the English colony of Jamestown, Virginia
  • Plymouth, Massachusetts founded

    the Pilgrims began a new colony in what is today known as the Town of Plymouth.
  • South Carolina colony founded

    founded by eight english nobles
  • Beaver Wars

    French and Iroquois Wars
  • Marquette and Joliet sailed down the Mississippi

    Governor Frontenac of New France assigned Marquette and Joliet to find a route to the pacific ocean
  • The Pueblo Revolt

    killed some spanish people and carried some of them with them
  • Georgia Colony founded

    114 colonists climbed 40 feet up the bluff from the Savannah River
  • Columbus Encounters The New World

    Coumbus was sailing for the spanish empire and encountered the new world