Colonial Era (1620-1754)

  • House of Burgesses

    The first representative house in America, assembly was in Virginia. Seated were for landowning men only but upheld the rights of all free men in Virginia.
  • Plymouth and the Mayflower

    Mayflower left Plymouth, England and landed in Provincetown Harbour. Members of the voyage, called Pilgrams, were puritians who fled to the New World seeking religous freedom.
  • Massachusetts Bay Company

    Joint-stock company led by John Winthrop which helped the settlers of Massachusetts avoid the "starving time" which many early settlers endured.
  • Delaware

    Originally Dutch province associated with the Dutch West India Company. In 1674, Delaware became a English colony.
  • Maryland

    Province governed by Lord Balimore (a.k.a. George Calvert), which was a refuge ro English Catholics. In 1649 Maryland passed the Act of Toleration, which guarenteed religous freedom to all cristians withing the state.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Founded Portsmouth (in current day Rhode Island) after being banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for religous differences.
  • Rhode Island

    Formed from Providence (Founded by Roger Williams), Portsmouth and a few other smaller settlements. It was completely tolerant of religions but suffered constant political turmoil.
  • Navigation Acts

    Allowed only some american products to be sold in countries other then England. Benifited some Americans but not most.
  • Connecticut

    Group of small settlements who came together in 1662. Had a representative government under the Fundamental Orders, which were a set of laws.
  • The Carolinas

    A reward to noblemen from King Charles II as insentive for further settlement of America. Attempted to grow crops such as silk and rice, therefore growing slowly.
  • New York and New Jersey

    Land conquered by the English from the Dutch, given to Jame the Duke of York, who opposed representative governments.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Lead by Nathaniel Bacon who was a fronteirsman in Virginia, who was upset at Virginia's inability to protect the people from Native American attacks. Bacons lead two attacks on Native American tribes, and Governor Berkeley had him arrested.
  • New Hampshire

    Royal colony established by King Charles II. Ruled by the same person from the English government as Massachusetts until 1741.
  • Half-Way Convent

    Puritan Chuch began to allow children, whose grandparents did not have experience in the religion, participate in some affairs.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Execution of around 20 people baised on the claim of of a few young girls in Salem Village, who said to be tormented by a cult of neighbours.
  • The Enlightenment

    A cultural movement toward higher education. Philosophers, scientists and mathmaticians include Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, John Locke, and René Descartes.
  • The First Great Awakening

    Series of religious revivals in America (New England mostly). Johnathan Edwards and George Whitefield were famous preachers from this time period.
  • Georgia

    Chartered by James Oglethorpe, served as a barrier between the Carolina's and Spanish Florida.
  • Albany Plan

    Plan proposed by Franklin, but shot down by delegates form the other 7 states and the meeting (in New York), which discribed plans for defense.