Colonial Era

  • Jamestown was founded in Virgina

  • Captain John smith leder of jamestown led expeditions.

  • Period: to

    Colonial Period

  • native tobacco is first planted and harvested in virginia by colonist

  • dutch east indian company sponsors a seven month voyage to north america

  • about 440 people die during the starving time

  • colonist pant their first crop of tobacco virginias green gold

  • dutch trading post is set up on manhattan island

  • Pocahontas marries John Rolfe

  • tobacco becomes an export staple for virginia

  • first legislative assembly in america the virginia house of buressess convenes in jamestown

  • Mayflower Compact signed

  • dutch west india company arrive in new york

  • king charles tries to rule forcing may to leave to the american colonies

  • john whinthrop leads puritan migration of 900 and boston is officially established as the site of the government

  • first town government is in Dorchester, Massachusetts

  • first settlement in maryland as 200 settlers

  • roger williams founds providence and rhode island

  • anne hutchinson is banished from massasschusetts

  • slavery becomes legal in new england

  • rhode island enacts the first law in the colonies declaring slavery illegal

  • english approve a navigation act limits exports of tobacco to england or colonies

  • Navigation Act must be transported by english ships

  • the royal africa company is given a monoply in the english slave trade

  • dutch military forces retake new york from british

  • navigation act of 1663 sets up the office of customs commisioner in the colonies

  • treaty of westminister ends hostilities between english and dutch

  • kings phillips war erupts in new england between colonist and native americans as a result of tensions over colonist expanstionist activities

  • colonist rebel against english taxation culpeppers rebellion

  • immigrants arrive in pennsylvania from germany

  • prostestants lose their guarantee of religious freedom

  • king james consolidates the colonies into a single dominion

  • quakers in pennsylvania issue a formal protest against slavery in america

  • beginning of king william's war

  • salem, massachuetts witchcraft suspects are imprisoned

  • royal african trade company loses its slave trade monoply colonist go to new england to engage in slave trading for profit

  • massachusetts passes a law ordering all catholic priest to leave the colonly within 3 months penalty life in imprisonment or execution

  • queen anne ascends the english throne england declares war on france after the death of the king of spain

  • slaves are assigned the status of real estate by virginia black code of 1705 new york law against runaway slaves

  • tea introduced for the first time in to the american colonies

  • first group of black slaves brought to louisianna

  • Blackbeard pirate is killed put an end to pirate raids

  • king george 2 ascends the english throne

  • ben franklin begins publishing the pennsylvania gazette

  • first amercan public library founded by ben franklin

  • great awakening religious revival movement last 10 years to spread all of the american colonies

  • conflict is known in the american colonies as king georges war until 1748

  • george washington leads a small group of american colonist to victory over the french

  • general edwards braddock and lt. col george washington set out wiht nearly 2000 men

  • england declares war on france french and indian war spreads to europe

  • ben franklin publishes poor richards almanac

  • william pitt becomes englands secratary of state and escalates french and indian war

  • a devastating defeat occurs for english forces at lake george new york

  • french for niagara is captured war erupts between cherokee indians and southern colonist

  • october george 111 becomes the new english kng

  • Treaty Of Paris

  • 7 years war of french and indian war takes place between the french and indian allied by the english

  • french and indian war ends with treaty of paris france gives england all french terroitory of the mississippi river except new orleans spanish give up east and west florida to the english

  • proclamation of 1763 colonist could not move west of appalachian mountains