Colonial america

Colonial America from 1660-1750

  • Mercantilism

    The trade from the colonies to England. Colonies would ship over raw goods and, England would produce products that the colonies needed. This act concluded from the English Civil War
  • Period: to

    Colonial Dates

  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    Charles II improve a stronger version of Mercantilism, called the Navigation Acts. This controlled colonial trade requiring the colonies to sell certain goods only to England.
  • Carolina's are colonized

    Carolina's are colonized
    A group of Eight English nobles had been granted land from King Charles II for economic opportunities. This colony was led by William Berkeley, Anthony Ashley-Cooper, and John Locke.
  • English take contol of New York

    English take contol of New York
    The English wanted complete control of the land in America and were jealous of how the Dutch had created such a huge trading port here. In revolt, King Charles the second sent a fleet of English warships into the port in order to make the Dutch surrender. This attempt was a complete success because the Dutch were completely unaware of what was going on. The colony was named New York in honor of James, Duke of York, brother of King Charles II. The Dutch were not forced to leave the colony after.
  • King Philip's War

    King Philip's War
    Metacom untied Indians in New England to make an attempt to drive out the English. 17 English towns were destroyed and 52 others were attacked.
  • English attack back on the Indians

    English attack back on the Indians
    The English caught Metacom sleeping in his hideout, once he tried to escape he was shot directly in his heart which had caused him to die. The war continued on for another year but when it was over the English had nearly complete rule on the region.
  • Pennsylvania is formed

    Pennsylvania is formed
    In 1681 a huge land grant was given to William Penn who had already established a colony in America, Delaware. Penn named the colony Pennsylvania after himself, and this new colony was to be used as a holy experiment for Quakers and other religions in America. Pennsylvania was a haven for people of Religion because no one person was to be persecuted for the religion they practice.
  • Charles II and James take complete control

    Charles II and James take complete control
    in 1686 Charles II and James actions in the coloines had reached its peak and the Dominion of New England was created. Colonial legilatures were abolished with this action and was replaced with a govenor and a council appointed by King James II.
  • Glorious revolution

    Glorious revolution
    William and Mary had taken contol of the English parliament after King James II had made enemies in England. William and Mary had abolished the Dominion of England and re-established all of the colonies that were abolished in the process. Only a small revision was made in Massachusetts though, it allowed the king of England to appoint a royal govenor of the colony.
  • Carolina's Split

    Carolina's Split
    The former colony of Carolina had split into two separate colonies North & South Carolina. The land was too vast to cover on its own so it was decide to split it up into smaller pieces of territory in order to make governing easier.
  • East & West Jersey becomes one

    East & West Jersey becomes one
    East & West Jersey become one single royal colony called New Jersey. This coloony was under the rule of John Berkeley and John Carteret.
  • Jonathan Edwards preaching (Great Awakening)

    Jonathan Edwards preaching (Great Awakening)
    Jonathan Edwards felt that the people of New England were slipping away from God and falling into hell slowly. He wanted to show the people that this was happening so he went around preaching his word to all the people. His efforts were a great success, and it had spread to England. It encouraged people to follow God once again.
  • Benjamin Franklin created the Almanic

    Benjamin Franklin created the Almanic
    This Almanic contained information such as calendars, weather predictions, proverbs, and advice
  • Georgia is created

    Georgia is created
    Georgia was created by a group of trustees led by James Oglethorpe. The idea of creating this colony was for the purpose of those who had been in jail because they could not pay their debts. No one was allowed to own an enslaved worker or drink hard liqour. Catholics were not allowed to live here, but all types of Protestants lived here.
  • John Peter Zenger arrested/found innocent

    John Peter Zenger arrested/found innocent
    John Peter Zenger, printer and publisher of the New York weekly journal, was arrested for printing lies about that were critical to the govenor of New York. Zenger felt he had case though, his lawyer proved that if the stories were true then they could not be considered a lie. He eventually ended up winning the case proving to be a huge victory for freedom of the press.
  • Stono Rebellion

    Stono Rebellion
    Several dozens of slaves near Charleston, South Carolina, killed more than twenty white males. They burned down an armory, and had begun to march towards Spanish Florida where a small sum of runaway slaves lived.
  • Eliza Lucas Pickney

    Eliza Lucas Pickney
    Eliza Lucas Pickney, a teenager in South Carolina, had taken control of her father's land because he was frequently away, and her mother was in a very bad state of health. Eliza was most important for spreading of Indigo, a plant used to make blue dye in cloth.
  • French actions

    French actions
    Disturbed by the expansions of Britsh trading posts in the Ohio Valley, the French sent defenders to to strengthen settlements and to seize control of the Ohio Valley. The efforts of the French were a huge success and the trading post was taken over by the French.
  • Indigo

    Indigo was created in the colonies from plants to use for dye to dye cloth.
  • Slavery grows in Virginia

    Slavery grows in Virginia
    In 1650 there was only about 500 slaves in the colony of Virginia which accounted for only about 3%. By 1700 there were 16,000 African American slaves which accounted for about 28% of the colonies population. But 100 years after slaves had begun to come (1750) the slavery number rose to about 40% of the colonies population almost totaling half of the population.