Colonial America

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    Roanoke Colony

    The Roanoke Colony was found by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585. The colony suffered from lack of supplies and attacks by Indians. Raleigh sent John White to Spain to gather more supplies in 1587, but when he returned in 1590, the colony was completely wiped out.
  • Jamestown

    In May of 1607 Virginia Company settlers landed in what was known as Jamestown named after King James. It was located in a safe place where Spanish ships couldn't fire at their forts. Jamestown was the capital of Virginia.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the first legislative assembly in the American colonies. 22 burgesses represented 11 plantations. Burgesses were elected representatives that could only be white men who owned a certain amount of property.
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    The Great Migration

    The Great Migration was when the Puritans left England because of religious persecution. In the 1620s, about 100 settlers went to the Plymouth colony. Between 1630 and 1642 between 13,000 and 21,000 settled in the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Massachusetts Bay Colony was one of the first English settlements in what is now Massachusetts. About 1000 puritan refugees came from England under Governor John Winthrop. They established a theocratic government. By the mid 1640s the colony had grown to over 20,000 people.
  • Maryland

    In 1634 the ships named the Ark and the Dove arrived from England in Maryland. Maryland was named in honor of queen Henrietta Maria. The king and queen gave permission to George Calvert to sail, however he died on the way. His son took over and founded Maryland as a haven for Roman Catholics who were persecuted in England.
  • Rhode Island

    Rhode Island
    In 1636 Roger Williams discovered Rhode Island. He was removed from the Massachusetts colony for his advocacy of religious tolerance and the separation of church and state. Rhode Island played a major role in shipping and trade.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower was the ship that sailed from England bringing the pilgrims to America. On the Mayflower ship in 1640, 41 men signed the Mayflower Compact. It was the first written government for what is now America. It was made to prevent dissent amongst Puritans and non-separatist Pilgrims.
  • Maryland Toleration Act

    Maryland Toleration Act
    Most of the settlers came to America in search of religious freedom. The Puritans and Protestants that lived in the colonies began to outnumber the Catholics in Maryland. The legislature passed an act of toleration to make sure Maryland could keep their religious freedom. The act passed in 1649 and granted religious freedom to all those who believed in the Trinity.
  • New York

    New York
    In 1624, the Dutch settled along the Hudson river. A few years later they made a colony on what is now Manhattan Island. The English took control of it in 1664 and renamed it New York. Ellis Island on the harbor of New York is where millions of immigrants come in to America.
  • Bacon's Rebllion

    Bacon's Rebllion
    Bacon's Rebellion was a rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against Governor William Berkeley. They were upset with him because he raised taxes, lowered tobacco prices, restricted voting rights, and failed to protect the settlers from Indian attacks. Bacon was then elected in the House of Burgesses where he started a rebellion against Berkeley.
  • Pennsylvania

    King Charles II of England owed $80,000 to Admiral Sir William Penn. As payment for the debt, the king gave Pennsylvania to the admiral's son, who is also named William Penn. Penn named the territory New Wales, however someone objected, so Penn called it Sylvania. In honor of the admiral the king changed the name to Pennsylvania.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    In Salem Massachusetts, a group of girls claimed to be possessed by the devil and also accused others of witchcraft. 19 people were hung for being a part of witch craft. Over a few months, over 150 men, women, and children were accused
  • Carolina

    Turmoil broke out in England while the colonies were trying to expand. It caused the New World to stop colonizing for a while. The southern part of the Carolinas served as a port where slaves came in. The people who first lived in the northern parts worked as indentured servants. As they slowly developed, it became too hard to govern both parts at once so they split to create North and South Carolina. They became their own colonies in 1712.
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    The Great Awakening

    Between the 1720s and the 1740s, a religious revival in the British Colonies broke out called the Great Awakening. It primarily took pace among the Calvinists. Preaches told about the "terrors of the law" and showed everyone what they were doing wrong to scare them into believing. Jonathon Edwards was a preacher at the time who taught about justification by faith alone.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    In 1754 the Albany Congress established the Albany Plan of Union. It's goal was to make a strong union of the colonies under one government. They wanted this so they could form one large army. Benjamin Franklin was the one to first propose the idea.
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    French-Indian War

    The French-Indian War was also known as the Seven Years War. France wanted to expand over the Ohio River valley, taking up the Indian's land. In 1763, the British received Canada from France and Florida from Spain, but permitted France to keep its West Indian sugar islands and gave Louisiana to Spain.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation of 1763 was issued after the French-Indian War and it stopped the settlers from moving west beyond the 13 colonies. King George III declared that all the land west of the Appalachian Divide was off limits to settlers. Only licensed traders were allowed to travel west or trade with the Indians. This proclamation was supposed to stop the Indians from attacking the settlers.
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    Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect was an unofficial policy of England to relax strict rules on the American Colonies. The American Colonies prospered because they were allowed to trade with territories that are not British. It let America operate on it's own, both economically and politically.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut was one of the original 13 colonies and one of the 6 New England states. It was originally an agricultural community. It is a very small state only taking up about 5,544 square miles.